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Provisional administrator files for bankruptcy for vzw Let’s Go Urban

Last month, the city of Antwerp decided to end the collaboration with Let’s Go Urban and with that the subsidies for the organization also ended. At the end of this month, the corporate court will consider the matter and it will be decided whether Let’s Go Urban will actually be declared bankrupt.

Provisional administrator Annemie Moens: “The city of Antwerp has withdrawn its recognition for the non-profit organization to engage in youth work and is no longer making operational resources available,” says Moens. “Moreover, the concession for the building (the Urban Center, ed.) Has been withdrawn, which means that it has to be evacuated and there is therefore no more work space for the non-profit organization. Finally, I expect the necessary compensation claims in connection with the presumably – I am not a judge – incorrect use of resources. ”

“The assignment I had received from the court in Tongeren on April 27 was to investigate whether or not the non-profit organization was still viable. I have come to the conclusion that this is not the case, ”said Moens. “Then, in accordance with the law, I have the task of filing a writ of bankruptcy against the association. The court will have to decide next Thursday in the corporate court in Antwerp whether there is a bankruptcy situation and whether or not to declare bankruptcy. ”

The business court in Antwerp will consider the case on Thursday 27 May. Other board members may still be able to interfere in the procedure, says Moens.

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