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Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee held an enlarged meeting to convey the spirit of learning from the Central Economic Work Conference_Current Policy.News_Hunan Channel_Red Net

The Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee held an expanded meeting

Broadcast and study the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference

Presented by Zhang Qingwei

On the morning of December 19, Zhang Qingwei, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, presided over the (expanded) meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to convey and deepen the spirit of the Central Conference economic labor, and study and implement the implementation work of our province.

△On the morning of December 19, Zhang Qingwei presided over the Standing Committee (expanded) meeting of the Provincial Party Committee. Photo by Tang Jun, Hunan Daily All Media Reporter

The meeting highlighted that the Central Economic Labor Conference is a very important meeting held after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech is forward-looking, broad-minded, deep in thought and rich in content, in-depth exposes a number of important theoretical and practical issues related to my country’s economic and social development. We need to thoroughly study and understand and do a good job of implementing it.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to deeply understand and grasp the results of this year’s work and the great changes in the new era in the past 10 years, strengthen confidence and determination, and consciously combine the study and implementation of the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference with the study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Party Congress and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech in Hunan.Combining the spirit of the instructions and instructions, with the implementation of the 12th Congress Provincial Party, the 3rd Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee and other clear deployment arrangements, fully implement the strategic positioning and mission tasks of the “three high and four new” The action firmly supports the “two establishments” and resolutely achieves the “two maintenance”. We must thoroughly understand and grasp the central government’s analysis and judgment on the domestic and foreign economic situation, maintain strategic determination, seize development opportunities, carry forward the fighting spirit, focus on good management of our affairs, continuously improve the ability to deal with extreme situations, and effectively prevent and solve various risks and challenges, firmly grasp the initiative in economic work. We must have a deep understanding of the general requirements and policy orientation of next year’s economic work, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, adhere to the system concept, stand and innovate, grasp the “six overall plans”, seize the policy window period and focus on stabilizing growth, stabilize employment and prices, fully implement the same party and government responsibility for food security, vigorously enhance the ability to secure energy supply, strengthen the coordination and cooperation of various policies, and promote high-quality economic development while maintaining stability. It is necessary to thoroughly understand and grasp the key tasks of next year’s economic work, and use more practical measures and greater efforts to grasp the key points, attack the key points, and overcome the difficulties. Do everything possible to tap the potential of domestic demand, prioritize the recovery and expansion of consumption, support and promote the recovery and development of the tourism industry, and actively expand effective investment. Adhere to the economic development focus on the real economy, promote the upgrading and development of the industrial system, vigorously cultivate and develop new and specialized enterprises, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system. Resolutely implement the “two unshakable”, deepen the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, continuously improve the core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises, continue to do a good job in the work of “returning Hunan merchants”, and encourage and support the development and growth of the private economy and private enterprises. Promote high-level openness to the outside world, further promote economic and trade cooperation with Africa and the construction of pilot free trade zones, and accelerate the establishment of a new all-round openness model that focuses on integration in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”. Consolidate the responsibilities of all parties, improve the risk prevention, early warning, disposal and accountability system, effectively prevent and defuse major economic and financial risks in accordance with the law, and firmly maintain the absence of systemic risks. It is necessary to thoroughly understand and grasp the important requirements to strengthen the party’s overall leadership on economic work, do a good job in economic work with a spirit of hard work and a sense of responsibility that is “always quiet”, establish and improve the long-term implementation mechanism for the Party Central Committee’s major decisions and deployments, and promote the true Grasp the style of hard work, continuously improve the ability to grasp economic work, and gather the majestic strength of unity and move forward.

The meeting stressed that at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, it is necessary to run to the end of all the work throughout the year, sum up the accounts, and plan next year’s economic work. It is necessary to carefully prepare the two sessions of the province. It is necessary to do a good job of scientifically, accurately and efficiently preventing and controlling the new stage of the epidemic, coordinate the visits and condolences of the “two parties”, ensure the payment of wages to migrant workers, safe production, disaster prevention and mitigation, and maintain public safety and stability, and do a good job of ensuring the supply and stable prices of important livelihoods, and ensuring the transportation of coal, electricity, oil and gas to ensure the safety and the stability of the whole social situation.

Source: Hunan newspaper

Author: Deng Jingjing

Publisher: Qin Gang

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