July 14, 2023 – 12:24 pm
As every year, July 16 marks the Provincial Organ Donor Day, alluding to the first multi-organ ablation that took place in 1996 in the town of Eldorado. Missions; to Father Carlos Hardoy.
The objective of this day is to value the act of solidarity and love of Father Carlos Hardoy to promote a culture of organ donation and give a chance at life to patients waiting for an opportunity to continue living. Many of these patients are chronic or terminal, and donations and transplants are their last alternative to life.
In this commemorative framework, the Unique Coordinating Center for Ablation and Implantation Misiones-CucaiMis- received during this week, a letter via mail with a letter of gratitude from the brothers of Father Carlos Hardoy, which was a pleasant surprise, since several years ago The organization has been trying to contact the relatives and learn more about this exemplary priest; In addition to strengthening the bond with the family, at such a difficult moment in his life, he supported the will of his deceased brother and donated his organs.
We share with you the letter that came to us from the family of Father Carlos Hardoy
Dear Sirs:
It is with great pleasure that we address you as members of the Carlos Hardoy SJ family. This week we have received notice that July 16th is the Provincial Organ Donor Day, with our brother Carlos being the first donor of Multiorgan Ablation when died in Eldorado on July 15, 1996.
We feel immense emotion and great joy that the Province of Misiones has chosen this date to commemorate such an event, since with his organs Carlos has helped many to continue a better life and we thank the Lord for it.
We want to thank the Ministry of Public Health and the CUCAIMIS of the Province of Misiones for having declared July 16 the Provincial Organ Donor Day.
We send you our cordial greetings. Her siblings: María Teresa, María Mónica, María Estela, María Silvina and Gustavo Enrique Hardoy.
In 1998 it is declared with force of (Provincial Law 3505 / 73 of the Digest) on July 16 Provincial Day of the Organ Donor.
Who was Carlos Hardoy?
Father Carlos Hardoy was one of the last to be born of the nine children of the Enrique Hardoy and Rosa Maria Morandi de Hardoy couple, as a young man his vocation of service and love for his neighbor led him to be ordained as a Jesuit priest, without knowing it his last five years He would spend his life in the Province of Misiones, precisely in the Diocese of Iguazú in the time of Bishop Joaquín Piña, who had appointed him a diocesan delegate to work with the area’s media. His friends called him the father of the bicycle because he traveled between 50 or 60 kilometers to serve his faithful. He first cared for the faithful of the parish of San Antonio in Colonia Victoria, then in María Magdalena in Colonia Mado and before he died he practiced in the Sagrado Corazón parish in Puerto Libertad. On July 12, 1996, they found him passed out in his room as a result of a second stroke and they transferred him to the Samic Hospital in Eldorado where he died and his relatives gave their consent to donate the organs to save other lives. . Corneas, kidneys, liver and heart were ablated.

2023-07-14 15:28:47
#July #Provincial #Organ #Donor #Day #Priest #continued #serve #neighbor #death