Home » today » Entertainment » Provincial Council.- The IEA enriches the provincial bibliography with six books on the subject and authors from Almeria

Provincial Council.- The IEA enriches the provincial bibliography with six books on the subject and authors from Almeria


The Diputación de Almería, through the Institute of Almeria Studies (IEA), begins 2021 strongly and expands the provincial bibliography with the publication of six interesting works on Almeria themes and writers. These works, four of them published in physical format and two in digital format, reach the public thanks to the call for the selection of IEA publications belonging to 2020.

With this initiative, the Provincial Council intends to promote the cultural development of the province and promote the publication of research works, works and studies on different aspects of Almeria, including works of literary creation, as indicated by the provincial institution in a note.

In this way, the IEA continues with its editorial work giving the opportunity to authors and researchers so that their studies or stories related to the province enrich the bibliography on the subject of Almería.

Two of the works that have just been published are essays: ‘Almería through philately. Forgotten cultural heritage ‘, by Francisco J. Gutiérrez Gómiz, and’ Socio-sanitary study of the population of Vera (1850 – 1930) ‘, by Dolores Pérez Cuadrado, both published in digital format. Another work is presented as a costumbrista story: ‘From the roofs. Una ethnografía sentimental ‘, by María Isabel Oliver, which focuses on the ancient ways of life of her native Chirivel.

Two novels have also seen the light: ‘Manes de Agosto’, by José Luis Guil Guerrero, and ‘Vodevil del sirco y el Indalo’, by Francisco García – Quiñoreno Fernández. The new IEA publications are completed with the lyrical work ‘Poems of an imperfect past’, by Francisco Javier Fernández Espinosa.

The provincial deputy for Culture and Cinema, Manuel Guzmán, explained that “despite the difficulties from the IEA, we continue working to make the initiatives of the writers of Almería a reality so that they can see their published works. In this case, we present the six publications that were selected in our 2020 annual call for external publications. “

“We invite Almeria authors to submit their projects to the edition of this call scheduled for this year, which will be presented soon, open to all who want to deepen our culture, tradition and way of understanding life,” he added.

For his part, the director of the IEA, Francisco Alonso, recalled that the call was delayed due to the pandemic and that at all times the IEA “has bet that these works are already a reality and in recent weeks they have reached the press and, later, to bookstores so that citizens can access these works that expand the IEA’s bibliography on issues in our province “.

The IEA faces 2021 with numerous projects that will continue the activities to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the IEA in its unstoppable work to disseminate the legacy of Almeria’s heritage at all levels. Joining these six books is the recent premiere of ‘Real’, the Revista de Estudios Almerienses, a semi-annual digital publication that responds to an aspiration of the IEA to have a magazine of these characteristics that complements the rest of publications that see the light throughout the year.

Despite the pandemic, the IEA closed 2020 with a score of published works, including those in physical and digital formats, as well as the launch of other projects such as exhibitions, support for cultural projects of city councils in the province or adaptation to the digital format of one of the most personal activities of this center of studies of the Department of Culture and Cinema of the Provincial Council: ‘The afternoons of the IEA’, which in its last edition dedicated two sessions to flamenco and the lighthouses of the province of Almería.

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