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Province tackles N760 IJsselmuiden-Genemuiden | The bridge

From autumn 2021, the province of Overijssel will start work on major maintenance work on the provincial road N760 IJsselmuiden-Genemuiden. The project is being carried out in close coordination with the municipalities of Kampen and Zwartewaterland and the Drents and Overijsselse Delta Water Board (WDODelta). In this project, in addition to road safety, we also look at how we can make the new road connect with the landscape character of the area.

It has turned out that the road surface of the N760 is no longer in good condition in more and more places. We want to restore these places. In addition to the repairs, we perform a number of extra activities to make the road sustainable and safe. For example, through recognizable bowl transitions and adjustments to intersections. As a result, we make the N760 safer for traffic and improve the quality of life where possible. For example through more greenery such as shrubs or trees.

For more information, visit our website www.overijssel.nl/N760.

Because the province considers it important to involve the surrounding area in the plans at an early stage, a webcast was held from the provincial council on 17 February. After a general introduction by the project leader, interested parties could ask questions live during the broadcast. Extensive use has been made of this.

The webcast can be viewed via Youtube:

* For IJsselmuiden and Grafhorst: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy4mppFeI7U&feature=youtu.be

* For Kamperzeedijk cornen and Genemuiden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn0E0JrrFa4&feature=youtu.be

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