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‘Province of Groningen goes to alarm phase worrying’

This means that the pubs here will turn on the lights at midnight and that a maximum of fifty guests can come to weddings. The Hague sources confirm this to the WE.

Prime Minister Rutte said on Tuesday during the corona debate with the Lower House that eight security regions have been nominated for the designation ‘worrisome’. This currently applies to six regions in the west of the Netherlands. That is why extra corona measures have been in force there since Sunday: pubs must close earlier and no more than fifty people are allowed to gather.


Rutte did not want to say which regions will be added here, but it was already clear that Groningen was in the danger zone. On Wednesday, the city has 62 new infections; this puts the city in fifth place with the most new infections. Only in the well-known hot spots of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht did more infections occur. The total for the province on Wednesday comes to 87 new infections.

RIVM looks at the ‘signal value’

To make a good comparison between regions of different sizes, RIVM also looks at the number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants. Even then Groningen stands out in a negative sense. For the entire province, the so-called signal value for the number of infections has been exceeded since 18 September. More than seven infections per 100,000 inhabitants are cause for concern; in Groningen there are now more than twice as many (14.5).

In comparison: the Utrecht region, where the stricter measures have been in place since Sunday, has a lower signal value; 11.8 of the 100,000 inhabitants there are infected with the corona virus.

Urgent appeal to students

Later this week it should be announced which regions are going to be ‘worrisome’ and what that means for any additional measures. Mayor Koen Schuiling of Groningen, as chairman of the Groningen Safety Region, has not yet heard anything about such a decision, a spokesman said.

The increasing number of infections was a reason for Schuiling to send a letter of admonition to students with the appeal to adhere to the measures. ‘At least half of those infections occur among young people, among students. We have to stop that together. That’s why I make an urgent appeal to you in this letter, ”he wrote.

Also read:
The latest news about the coronavirus

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