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Provide attention to the conflict in San José Xochixtlán

The Secretary General of the Government asked the FGEO, in strict respect of its autonomy, to carry out the corresponding investigations into the events that occurred at the “Huitzo” toll booth and to punish the person responsible.

Derived from the internal conflict that prevails between the municipality of San Martín Itunyoso and its agency San José Xochixtlán, the General Secretariat of Government (Segego), through the Undersecretariat of Municipal Strengthening, the General Coordination of Regional Assistance (CGAR) and the sub-delegation in Oaxaca of the Ministry of the Interior (Segob), they set up a dialogue table with the municipal agent and the San José Xochixtlán citizen commission.

In order to reconcile the internal conflict and find a route that allows the City Council of San Martín Itunyoso to comply with the ruling issued by the Superior Court of Justice of the State of Oaxaca (TSJO), with regard to the resources of the branches 28 and 33, a dialogue table was installed.

It should be noted that on November 22, the auxiliary authorities and residents of San José Xochixtlán carried out a blockade at the “Huitzo” toll booth, charging a voluntary fee; Given this, Segego maintained an approach with the municipal agent and residents to set up a dialogue table on November 23, inviting them to remove the blockade of the collection terminals and not carry out this action.

In this sense, this November 23, an inter-institutional dialogue table was installed to give attention to the problem as had been agreed; however, the protesters decided to continue with the blockade of the “Huitzo” toll booth, with the collection of a voluntary fee.

On repeated occasions, the officials of the State and Federal governments requested the release of the toll booth.

The Segego condemns the events that occurred in which a protester was seriously injured, and requests the Attorney General of the State of Oaxaca (FGEO), in strict respect of its autonomy, to carry out the corresponding investigations and punish the person (s) responsible.

Likewise, the agency requests, with respect to the Independent Triqui Struggle Unification Movement (MULT-I), to avoid speculations that alter social order and peace.

Segego respects the right to free demonstration; However, it calls on municipal authorities, auxiliaries, unions, social organizations and citizens in general, to privilege dialogue to reconcile their differences in a peaceful manner and thereby avoid actions that harm third parties, such as road blockades, retention of people. , collect undue fees for free movement and avoid putting people’s physical integrity at risk

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