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Prove No Hesitance to ‘Cut Head’, National Police Chief Removes 7 Police Officers


National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo shows his commitment to ‘cut off the head’ for not being able to build the ‘tail’. Now 7 police officers have been removed from their posts.

There was one Kombes and six AKBP who were removed. This removal was stated in a telegram signed by the US National Police HR Inspector General Wahyu Widada on behalf of Mr Police chief.

The removal of one Kombes was contained in the telegram number ST/2279/X/KEP./2021 as of October 31, 2021. Meanwhile, the six AKBPs were removed in the telegram number ST/2280/X/KEP./2021 dated October 31, 2021. Both telegrams it was signed by the US National Police HR Inspector General Wahyu Widada on behalf of the National Police Chief.

“Yes, of course, this is according to the commitment and statement of the National Police Chief, regarding ‘rotten fish starting from the head’, if the leader has problems then his subordinates will have problems as well as the spirit of the Precision concept. This commitment is clear to make changes and improvements to get to a much better Polri ,” said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Argo Yuwono in a written statement, Monday (1/11/2021).

Argo said that with this decision, all Polri personnel must be able to have a leadership spirit that protects and serves the community and members well. And can provide a deterrent effect for any member who violates.

“Be a leader who is exemplary, wise, understanding, willing to listen, not easily emotional, and respectful of each other. That way, the Police in the future will gain more trust in the community,” said Argo.

The seven police officers who were removed in several areas of their ranks, namely:

1. Kombes Pol Franciscus X. Tarigan, Dirpolairud Polda Sulbar to Pamen Yanma Polri (in order to evaluate positions).

2. AKBP Deni Kurniawan, Head of the Resort Police of Labuhan Batu, North Sumatra Police, to Pamen Yanma Polri (in order to evaluate positions).

3. AKBP Dedi Nur Andriansyah, Head of Pasaman Police of West Sumatra Police to Pamen Yanma Police (in order to evaluate positions).

4. AKBP Agus Sugiyarso, Chief of the Tebing Tinggi Police of North Sumatra Police to Pamen Yanma Polri (in order to evaluate positions).

5. AKBP Jimmy Tana, Chief of the Nganjuk Police of the East Java Regional Police to Pamen Yanma Polri (in order to evaluate positions).

6. AKBP Saiful Anwar, Head of the Nunukan Polda Kaltara Police to Pamen Yanma Polri (in order to evaluate positions).

7. AKBP Irwan Sunuddin, North Luwu Police Chief, South Sulawesi Police, to Pamen Yanma Polri (in order to evaluate positions).


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