This is the list of all the protests:
A Coruña: Méndez Núñez Gardens (behind the Hotel Atlántico)
Albacete: Constitution Plaza
Alicante: Town Hall Square
Almeria: Constitution Plaza
Avila: Plaza San Vicente
Badajoz: Avda. Condes de Barcelona
Barcelona: Saint James Square
Bilbao: Plaza Federico Moyua
Burgos: Plaza del Rey San Fernando
Caceres: Music Kiosk. Canovas Walk
Cadiz: Spain Square
Castellón: Plaza La Muralla
Ceuta: Africa Square
Real city: Prado Gardens
Córdoba: Plaza de las Tendillas
Cuenca: Constitution Plaza
Girona: Ave. James I with Avda. June 20
Granada: New Square
Guadalajara: Santo Domingo Square
Huelva: Constitution Plaza
Huesca: San Antonio Square
Jaen: Santa Maria Square
The Palms: Spain Square
León: St. Marcellus Square
Lleida: Saint Francis Square
Logroño: Espolón Walk
Lugo: Rua Armanya (in front of the Government Subdelegation)
Madrid:Sun Gate
Málaga: In front of the Pompidou museum cube
Melilla: Plaza Menendez Pelayo
Murcia: Cardinal Belluga Square
Ourense: Rua da Canle (Municipal Auditorium esplanade)
Oviedo: Spain Square
Palencia: Main Square
Palma: Constitution Street
Pamplona: Castle plaza
Pontevedra: Pilgrim’s Square
Salamanca: Lyceum Square
Saint Sebastian: Pius XII Square
Santander: Pombo Square
Segovia: Aqueduct
Sevilla: San Francisco Square
Soria: Mariano Granados Square
Tarragona: Mediterranean balcony
Tenerife: La Granja Park
Teruel: St. John’s Square
Toledo: Zocodover Square
Valencia: Temple Square
Valladolid: Santiago Street with Plaza Mayor
Vitoria: Plaza Celedones de Oro (in front of the Post Office Building)
Zamora: Constitution Plaza
Zaragoza: Alfonso Primero, corner Santiago Street
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