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Protests in New York calling for the closure of the Rikers Island jail | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

to the cloudy night but still therepleasant morning conditionssimilar, I tell them whenlower the temperatures and ifsevere storms will come toour area.Elian: Thank you very much, inanother bronx tax issue,brooklyn and queen next to thestate attorney generalthey visited the arcel to be ableconfirm the conditionsdeplorable in whichfind the criminal and also inthe one that the prisoners live inmedium of the debate that existsto close the tree.to explain all thedetails about this debate and thesituation, we’re leavingimmediately with isabel peraltaGil, who has this afternoonall the details, isabelgood afternoon, go aheadisabel: good afternoon elian,How did you say it, membersfrom different organizations ofequality, justice anddefenders for prisonersand the incarcerated, didpresence in the mayor of thenew york city to ordera change in prison plusbig city.with horns and banners,also relatives ofprisoners and members of thecommunity, ask to close orreduce capacity inprison, and is that the complaintsfor the crisis that is lived insaid prison returns tobecome the center ofdebate, this after thenew york attorney generalcatalog the conditions ofsaid prison as deplorableand inhumane, digital editionNew York chatted with someof the protesters demandingimmediate changes.through the covid19 esánkilling people, the systemsfrom the prisons must alsochange, and I see that there is muchisabel: the attorney generaltook a tour in theprison complex findmath, this was with the prosecutorof the district and with alegislators delegationstate, declared that whatthey saw and the conditions arecausing death withoutprecedents, and what is necessaryact now, on the other hand,four members of the congress ofnew york, includingdeócrata alexandro casiocorés, demanded in a letterto the governor and the mayorbill de blasio the release ofinmates and the closure of theafter it was reported thatanother inmate had died inthe facilities the end ofweek. like littlealso the mayor’s billblasio announced that the citywill demand that the unionrepresents the agentscorrectional facilities, this is himfor inciting and allowingthese abused their ways

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