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Protests in Belarus. Mary Kalesnikawa in custody

Mary Kalesnikawa demanded that the Investigative Committee institute criminal proceedings against KGB and Ministry of Internal Affairs officials who were threatened with death during her arrest. In a statement, she described what she had gone through while in the hands of the Security Service.

In a statement posted on the website of the independent website TUT.by, Kalesnikawa described in detail the events of September 7 and 8, when she was kidnapped in the center of Minsk by unknown perpetrators and later taken to the Ukrainian border. In a statement, the opposition activist tells of how psychological pressure was put on her, she was threatened with death, and she was also taken out of the country.

Kalesnikawa gave specific names and positions of people employed by the Office for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption (Ministry of the Interior) and the State Security Committee (KGB), said that she could identify each of these people and that she was ready to give detailed statements.

“These people threatened to take my life, which I took very real. It was said that if I did not voluntarily leave Belarus, they would still take me away: alive or in pieces. There were also threats of imprisonment for 25 years and creating problems in detention and in places serving a sentence “- Kalesnikawa said in a statement.

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Action of solidarity with the arrested opposition activist Mary KalesnikawaPAP/EPA/STRINGER

“They put a sack on my head”

“When the KGB officers realized that I would not voluntarily leave Belarus, they put a sack over my head, pushed me into a minibus and took me to the Belarusian-Ukrainian border (Aleksandrovka crossing), where, using force and against my will, they tried to throw me out of the country. When I tore my passport, thus preventing entry into the territory of Ukraine, I was put on a minibus again and transported to the border office in Mazyr, where I stayed until September 8. Thus, the above-mentioned officers of the Ministry of the Interior and the KGB of the Republic of Belarus committed a number of criminal acts against me, namely : kidnapping (Article 182 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus), illegal imprisonment (Article 183), death threats (Article 186) – the oppositionist said in a statement.


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Threats against Kalesnikawa

Attorney Ludmiła Kazak, who met on Wednesday with Kalesnikawa in custody at ul. Waładarskaha in Minsk, informed that her client was in a cell with six other people and that she was feeling well despite the stress she had experienced. While in custody, she was given medical treatment because she had pressure surges and her heart ached. He has bruises. Kazak intends to demand a forensic examination.

Kazak noted that she had not received any documents regarding the detention of Kalesnikawa, but only the decision to arrest her. It is dated September 8, but there is no information about the date of the detention of the opposition activist.

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Photo of the car in which Mary Kalesnikawa was supposed to be staying, from the monitoring at the border crossingPAP/EPA/Belarusian State Border Committee press service / HANDOUT

Kalesnikawa suspected of “calls to seize power”

. Kalesnikava is suspected of “seizure calls” in an investigation launched by the Investigative Committee against the opposition Coordination Council of which she is a member.

For crimes under article 361.3 of the Criminal Code of Belarus, on public calls to take over power or actions to the detriment of state security with the use of the media and the Internet, is punishable by imprisonment of two to five years.

Kalesnikawa’s hearing is to be held on Thursday.


photo-source">Main photo source: TATYANA ZENKOVICH/PAP/EPA

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