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Protests in Belarus. Lukashenka-Putin meeting. “Supporting Lukashenka is a big blow to the Russian image”

Putin is mentally a nineteenth-century politician, for him supporting Lukashenka is a question of value – said Belsat journalist Zmicier Mickiewicz on TVN24. In his opinion, Monday’s meeting of the leaders of Russia and Belarus in Sochi “is not supporting a strategic ally”. – It is enough to see how Lukashenka was sitting and how Putin was sitting – he pointed out.

The talks between the presidents of Belarus and Russia, Alyaksandr Lukashenka and Vladimir Putin lasted over four hours. At a meeting in Sochi, they agreed that Russia would grant Belarus a loan of $ 1.5 billion. The Russian president said that Belarusians should resolve the situation in the country “without any prompts from outside”.



Lukashenka visiting PutinTVN24

“When people used to come to the Mongolian khan, now Lukashenka has gone to Putin”

Belsat journalist Zmicier Mickiewicz was asked in “Get up and you know” on TVN24 about what Lukashenka could offer in exchange for a Russian loan. – This loan is too small for Lukashenka to sell anything there. Russia is refinancing its loan, which it previously granted to Lukashenka, and part of this money will go to pay off the debt for Russia itself for gas. It may be short-term aid, which will not play a major role – he said.

– When people used to come to the Mongolian khan, now Lukashenka has gone to Putin – said Mickiewicz. As he assessed, referring to the recordings of the talks of the two leaders, the president of Belarus “is no longer sure what he is doing, that he is afraid”. – People are laughing at the photos from this meeting. It is enough to see how Lukashenka was sitting and how Putin was sitting. And we already have the answer to everything – he added.

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Lukashenka-Putin meeting in SochiPAP / EPA / KREMLIN

“Supporting Lukashenka is a big blow to the Russian image”

Asked whether Russia might want to take advantage of the destabilization in Belarus to increase the country’s dependence on the Kremlin, Mickiewicz replied that “Putin will not go for it, because there could be big consequences for Russia that cannot be dealt with so easily. as after 2014, after Crimea “.

– Russia has big internal problems. If we add external problems, which would of course await Russia after the possible incorporation of Belarus, it will not work anymore, he pointed out.

– Russia is involved in optimizing finances and that is why Lukashenka will not receive such a large support. (…) Putin is mentally a 19th-century politician. For him, supporting Lukashenka is a question of values. One dictator supports another dictator, but this is not supporting a strategic ally, commented the Belsat journalist. In his opinion, “Lukashenka annoys everyone and there are no people who are very attached to him.” – Supporting Lukashenka is a big blow to the Russian image – he explained.


Saturday women’s demonstrations in MinskTUT.BY

Referring to the question about a possible attempt to destabilize Belarus externally in order to gain benefits by Russia, the TVN24 guest noted that “Belarus is the only Eastern Partnership country that does not have a conflict on its territory”.

– Belarus is a unitary state, the vast majority of the population are Belarusians and there is no such enclave where such a conflict could be provoked – explained Zmicier Mickiewicz.


photo-source">Main photo source: PAP / EPA / KREMLIN

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