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Protests and blockades paralyze Sofia and other big cities (RENEWED) – Society – Bulgaria – NOVA News

Day of protests across the country. Exactly at 08.00 the blockade of key places in Sofia began. Public transport employees were the first to express their dissatisfaction.


They insist on an urgent update of the state budget due to the jump in prices. The dissatisfied gathered in three places in the capital – Lion’s Bridge, Freight Station and “Five Corners”, after which they marched on Vasil Levski Blvd.

Video: Ivelina Dragneva, NOVA

The protest caused serious traffic jams.

Public transport is running on schedule, but possible difficulties are expected due to the blockage of traffic in the entire center of Sofia.

Carriers also staged a national protest. Blockades are planned in the country’s major cities, as well as at border crossings. There are three meeting points in the capital. Some of the trucks are already on Tsarigradsko Shosse, near Vrana Park. More trucks are expected to stop at the entrances to Sofia, in the area of ​​the Trakia, Hemus and Lyulin highways. , at 09.30, the protesters marched to the Ministry of Finance and from there to the Council of Ministers, according to the industry, the measures against the price crisis were delayed.

In Plovdiv at rush hour, hundreds of trucks headed for the city’s six entrance-exit arteries to block them. More than 300 trucks have taken part in the protest demonstration. They will park in the far right lane so as not to hinder traffic in the middle lane of the roads, as agreed with the police.

The bus carriers will also join the protest. Neither city nor intercity buses will run between 9:00 and 17:00. There will be no buses in Yambol during this interval. The municipality announced that they have sent a notification letter to the Confederation of Bus Carriers, saying that their dissatisfaction is due to high fuel prices, inability to pay salaries, lack of subsidies for small towns in the transport sector.

Intercity buses will not run in Sevlievo between 9 am and 5 pm.

A protest also blocked Burgas. In addition to carriers, representatives of the taxi industry joined it.

At 10 o’clock at the road junction “Kabile” of the highway “Trakia” – in the section between Sliven and Yambol, began to gather buses that will go on a procession. It is expected to start at 11:30.

Carriers: Despite the resumption of dialogue with the government, there will be a protest

The taxi drivers in Sofia also announced a demonstration. Their meeting point is on the South Arc of the Ring Road. At 10.00 they set off on a procession along Bulgaria Blvd., which will stop at Maria Luisa Blvd. From there, the drivers will walk to the Council of Ministers, where all the protesters will gather today.

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