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Protests against Corona policy – investigations against man with ax

Panorama Throughout Germany

Numerous protests against Corona policy – investigations into a man with an ax and gas mask

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Once again, protests against the Corona policy took place across Germany. In Freiburg and Berlin, the police counted 3,000 participants each. Investigations are underway in Ulm against a man who appeared at an unannounced meeting with an ax and gas mask.

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Tthousands took to the streets in numerous cities in Germany on Saturday to express dissatisfaction with the measures taken to contain the corona pandemic. From Flensburg and Schwerin in the north to Freiburg in the south, they came together to protest, and in many places people opposed them. In Freiburg and Berlin, for example, the police counted around 3,000 participants each, in Osnabrück 1,200 and in Schwerin more than 600. According to the police, the protests and counter-demonstrations were mostly peaceful.

In Ulm, the police are investigating a 32-year-old after an unannounced meeting on Friday evening because he had brought an ax and a gas mask. As on Wednesday, an unregistered demonstration was broken up in Brandenburg an der Havel. There had been several evictions, two participants had been taken into custody, the police reported.

Opponents of the corona measures in particular have been protesting for weeks. Tens of thousands are regularly on the move across the country. The organizers often refer to the events as “walks” and do not register them with the authorities. Several cities have banned such unannounced protests. In the meantime, protests against the alleged walks have also increased.

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In Berlin, the demonstrators moved from the Brandenburg Gate towards the main station on Saturday afternoon. Posters showed slogans such as “care with a heart, without compulsory vaccination” and “freedom instead of fear”. According to the organizers’ Internet appeal, political symbols were “undesirable”. The protesters are demanding “recognition of natural immunity”, “an end to all measures” and a free vaccination decision on the Internet.

Around 100 people gathered in Reutlingen in the afternoon for a rally, the police expected other participants – later in the evening a lift through the city was planned.

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Thousands again protested against the corona measures in Düsseldorf, the capital of the most populous federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. They met on the banks of the Rhine for a train through the city center. On banners and posters, they opposed compulsory vaccination. Parties such as the Greens and SPD Düsseldorf had called for counter-protest and wanted to show “lateral thinkers” red cards. Several meeting points had been registered for this along the demonstration train.

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