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Protesters still block Canadian bridge – VG

Police in riot gear stormed a rally on Friday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck, and removing hundreds of protesters by truck.


Traffic over the bridge is still closed, according to the newspaper The Star.

The protesters have now for three weeks expressed their dissatisfaction with coronary restrictions and vaccines and the demonstrations has spread to other countries including the United States, Australia, New Zealand, France and the Netherlands.

A court in the province of Ontario, which has introduced state of emergency as a result of the demonstrations, came on Friday according to Reuters with a order to end the blockade of the Ambassador Bridge and the protesters have been ordered removed.

A large police force trooped up early Saturday morning at the Ambassador Bridge, which runs between Detroit in the USA and Windsor in Canada. By then, the deadline set by the court for people to leave had expired.

Hundreds of armed policemen rolled in with armored vehicles for eight hours, the newspaper reports The Star.

NOT OVER: Police are said to have removed trucks and tents, but the protesters still have to get on foot.

Throughout the day, police worked to clear the bridge of tents set up in the roadway, and persuade some of the truck drivers to remove the vehicles from the scene.

The trucks that blocked the bridge were eventually removed, but towards evening around 100 protesters gathered on the 8-lane wide road leading to the bridge, and the road thus remained closed. CBC News. Also, more protesters have arrived over time, according to Vancouver Sun.

The streets around the bridge are blocked by the police and the cars that come here are fined and towed away. Instead, people come on foot.

Jason Bellaire, deputy chief of police in Windsor, says the demonstrations are the largest “the incident he has ever encountered».

– I have never experienced anything like this in my 27 years in the police.

According to Bellaire, the goal is to clear the bridge peacefully.

So-called freedom fighters have occupied the bridge, which is the busiest border in North America. According to this, 27 percent of the annual trade between Canada and the USA takes place US transportation authorities.

The protests began as a reaction to the US and Canadian authorities in January introducing a requirement that truck drivers must also prove that they have been vaccinated against corona when crossing the border.

Sailors, train workers, pilots and cabin crew have had similar demands since October last year.

IN FRONT OF PARLIAMENT: This drone photo taken on Saturday shows truck drivers and others supporting the action in front of Parliament in the capital Ottawa.

In the capital Ottawa, police have not removed a camp set up in front of parliament because they do not have enough crews to do so.

– We plan to put an end to this illegal occupation and are awaiting the necessary reinforcements to do this, the police inform in a press release Saturday morning.

The protesters have partyed in front of parliament, shouted loudly and played loud music in support of the truck drivers right outside Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office.

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