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Protesters Rally Against Bip Road Project in Val-d’Oise, France: An Alternative Proposal for Sustainable Mobility and Heritage Conservation

Par Raphaël Delaveaux
Published on Oct 14, 23 at 5:06 p.m. See my news Follow La Gazette du Val d’Oise Dozens of demonstrators gathered on the Bip route to demonstrate on Saturday October 7. ©DR

There were many of them, in all the towns along the Avenue du Parisis – Bip route.

A demonstration took place on Saturday, October 7, to protest against the project which would connect the A1 and the A15, in several municipalities in the east of Val-d’Oise: Soisy-sous-Montmorency, Sarcelles and even Enghien- the baths.

Anger and a desire to share

This is what emerged from the march against the Bip organized last Saturday by several associations, including in particular the Vivre sans Bip collective and the local branches of France Nature Environnement, Friends of the Earth, and Better Travel by Bicycle (Mdb ).

On site, a member of Mdb explains that the goal is simple.

We want to open people’s eyes, and raise awareness of the fact that this old project is still relevant!

A member of Mdb

Beyond the protest, the desire of the organizers of the march, which started from the Soisy-sous-Montmorency Racecourse, was also to reveal the areas at risk of destruction.

And to propose an alternative project that would promote soft mobility (walking, cycling), while protecting local heritage.

The walk therefore followed the route envisaged for the avenue, with regular stops to highlight different places of greenery and social life which will be destroyed if the Bip sees the light of day: groves, lawns, shared gardens, etc.

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Impact on health

The proximity of many schools to the road project, and the potential impact on the health of students, were also at the center of the associations’ concerns.

Valérie (first name changed), a participant, especially highlights the ecological side: “it will destroy many islands of freshness that we will need in the future. It is no longer possible to eliminate these spaces in the current context of global warming.”

When mentioning the arguments put forward by the Department on this subject (notably the planting of a million trees in the Maubuisson forest), she retorts.

It’s good to plant, but a tree takes a long time to grow! In addition, there must be islands of freshness distributed throughout the territory. Obviously, we have to find mobility solutions, but everything is moving along these days and it’s no longer an option.

Valérie, protester

Meeting points were also planned in the different towns located on the Bip route, so that residents could join the march along the way.

Local residents and elected officials in support

Some local residents encountered by the demonstrators by chance gave them their support, like Monique and Lucien (first names changed).

“We thought this project had been abandoned a long time ago! We are not against road renovations and rearrangements to facilitate mobility in the surrounding area, but we do not want a major road like this. »

Alongside the associations, several elected officials were present including Catherine David, opposition elected official (ecologist) in Soisy-sous-Montmorency, who remains confident.

This project, which dates from the 1960s, resurfaces regularly. In 2012, it almost came to fruition but there was strong opposition, particularly when citizens realized that it was cutting cities in two, and that it was affecting educational establishments. I remain optimistic, I think it won’t happen.

Catherine David, elected (ecologist) opposition in Soisy-sous-Montmorency

A feeling shared by many participants in the march, determined that the Bip should be abandoned, and this time permanently.

The Department ensures the ecological viability of Bip

“We hope that the decision will be made before the start of 2024,” indicates Anthony Arciero, departmental advisor responsible for roads and Greater Paris, regarding the decision of the Council of State on the construction of the Bip.

For the latter, environmental expectations concern the entire department, and not just Avenue du Parisis.

The first shovels and the planting of the first tree in the Maubuisson forest, a 1,340 hectare project on the Pierrelaye-Bessancourt plain, in 2019. ©DR

Environmental actions

We are planting a million trees in the Maubuisson forest, which represents nearly 1,340 hectares. Le Bip-est (Avenue du Parisis, Editor’s note) is 27.5 hectares. You have to put it into perspective.

Anthony Arciero, departmental advisor responsible for roads and Greater Paris

Despite this, Vivre sans Bip is not satisfied with the desired project for Avenue du Parisis.

“We, associations, are demanding the abandonment of the Boulevard intercommunal du Parisis (Bip) road project and the establishment of an alternative project which preserves natural spaces for the benefit of residents, the climate, biodiversity, quality of life and the attractiveness of our territory. »

The Vivre sans Bip collective demonstrated on Saturday October 7 against the construction of Avenue du Parisis – eastern section.

For the latter, the Bip should no longer exist today for a simple reason.

“The argument put forward for the construction of this infrastructure is the fluidification of road traffic. However, the projects which were initially to justify the Bip (Europacity, the Sarcelles dome) have since been abandoned,” adds the collective.

Vivre sans Bip insists on the possibility, for them, of finding alternative solutions to the construction of this major road, which would connect Soisy-sous-Montmorency to Bonneuil-en-France.

Preserve natural spaces

“The congestion currently observed occasionally in certain cities during peak hours can be resolved by local road developments and promoting active mobility in order to encourage modal shift, more numerous and accessible car parks around existing stations and the strengthening of public transport offer,” criticizes the collective.

The Department of Val-d’Oise is awaiting the response from the Council of State concerning the possible development, or not, of Avenue du Parisis, eastern section.

Raphaël DELAVEAUX with Baptiste GILBERT

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