hope: unemployment andlack of resources continuesaffecting the communitylatin. cancellation is requestedof arrears and wingshelps. many tenants haveaccumulated large debts on yourrents that they still don’t know howthey are going to pay for it.reporter: a year ago Idetected the first case ofcovid19. In New York .we entered a crisiseconomic with a rate ofunemployment at high than duringdepression.unable to work or paytheir breaths.reporter: many protestedtoday at different points of thecity by the cancellation of itsrents. thousands of familieswill end up thickening thegrowing list of people withouthome.you have to do something, nowe can keep waiting for wings.reporter: get a report onnew york city, laLatino community andAfro-American have been the asaffected.he fills me with fear, hethat many people too.reporter: today thepending eviction cases.new cases could bepresented. can fill this