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Protesters in Manhattan Demand New Administration to Improve Conditions for Minorities | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Many thanks to Javier.definitely starts anew era.while some celebrate,others take to the streets ofmanhattan to protest and demandof the new administrationchanges that mean betterworking conditions, livefrom times square.there are demonstrations andas the city prepared beforepossible disturbances aftertake possession.there is hope, nogave truce to president joebiden on number one ofthis administration, theassembly of workers againstracism wants to remind youthat these orders arepending for a long time,since the last administration.especially the sequel that leftthe pandemic, they want to cancelrents, they want to abolishimmigration and customs agencyice.and for the cops to come outof our neighborhoods, plusof a better policy forhealth, for the distribution ofthe vaccine that is one of thethings that are newyork right now, this isjust one of the protests,obviously quite shelteredhere with security and policeadditional, as has been thecity ​​from early in thetomorrow.new york dawned on pointsstrategic as alkalinityarmored with agentspolice expectations,possible disruption of orderpublic put the authoritieson alert, we seek theguidance from an expert insecurity that warns us thatalthough the agenciesintelligence have againstany threat, you can’tguard down.these extreme groups wethey will disappear on thenight, it’s still superaggressive, hostile and will notlike donald trump therelost.they told us in a statementthat until the position takingthey had a solid presencein locations like in the towerof donald trump in the fifthavenue and then they were going to evaluatehis posture, some passersbythey trusted the police after apossible infiltration ofactivists in activities thatit is preened to be peaceful.so far i feelsure, but in these you would not knowYou know how the situation changed.people are afraid,some no longer but there are othersthat í.there is always what they saywhich are a bad apple thatfor their beliefs they canexpedite something or try to dosomething against a local government,state or federal.Early on, another happeneddemonstration in the bass

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