Home » today » News » Protest in Warsaw. The husband of the Women’s Strike activist has both his arms broken. “We escaped from the ‘police’ charge”

Protest in Warsaw. The husband of the Women’s Strike activist has both his arms broken. “We escaped from the ‘police’ charge”

On Saturday, during a demonstration in Warsaw to commemorate the 102nd anniversary of women’s election rights in Poland Police several times she tried to stop the march by enclosing the demonstrators in a cauldron, that is, surrounding them with a tight cordon. Bożena Przyłuska, an activist in the Warsaw Women’s Strike, took part in it together with her husband. “My husband has broken bones in both hands. We escaped from the ‘police’ charge. I am dying of fear of those thugs who wear police uniforms. There are no more police in Warsaw,” she wrote on Twitter.

Nowacka about the activities of the police. “Systemic intimidation of citizens is ongoing”

The husband of the Women’s Strike activist has both his arms broken. “We were running away from the charge” “

The woman also published a video with an account of the moment together with other participants protest she was trapped in the cauldron. On the recording you can hear that the police were to “press on people” and “trample” them. – They are trying to prevent parting. People will get hurt from this pressure. It’s impossible to get out of here safely. I am dealing with thugs who threaten people – he says.

The woman shouts “thugs” to the officers several times. – We want to go home. And they stood in our way. They force people to go over a wire fence, tear their clothes, cut their skin – he says.

At one point, Przyłuska and her husband had to flee so that – as she said in an interview with “Gazeta Wyborcza”, “not to be trampled by the crowd.” The woman jumped over the obstacle with her husband’s help, but her husband fell on his hands. “He has damaged elbows and wrists in both hands,” she said.

Comments after the police translations on the use of gas against Barbara Nowacka.  'Discredit'.  In the photo: KSP nadkom spokesman.  Sylwester Marczak (illustrative photo)Police translation comments on the use of gas. “Discredit”

In the next post, she added that her husband is a doctor.

During the Sunday press conference, the spokesman for KSP nadkom. Sylwester Marczak explained when the police cordoned off the demonstrators. He said that it happens when the demonstrators do not do it, despite the messages to leave the place. – In this case, each person has ID cards and has the possibility to leave the area at any time when he provides his data – he said.

Watch the video
Protest in Warsaw. Subway near Politechnika

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