Proteomtech, which develops in vitro diagnostic kits such as allergy diagnostic kits, will be listed on the KOSDAQ market from KONEX in June. The company’s strategy is to focus on increasing overseas sales after going public. Reporter Kim Hyo-sun heard about CEO Lim Gook-jin’s plan.
Proteomtech’s core technology is multi-diagnosis that can test about 120 allergens at once. Currently, 400,000 tests have been supplied in Korea, and overseas markets are rapidly expanding, mainly in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. CEO Lim plans to target the Chinese and US markets in earnest with the KOSDAQ transfer listing as an opportunity. We looked at what kind of performance we will achieve, the prospects and goals after listing.

Q. What is the company’s competitiveness?
[임국진/ 프로테옴텍 대표]
We are leading the global market with a product that screens the most substances and allergies at once. There were products in Germany or the US that could measure 2-30 things at the same time, but Proteomtech was able to measure 50, 60, 100, and now 120 types in order to gain an edge in competition with those companies in the global market. We have developed such products that can be developed and have good popularity not only in Korea but also in overseas markets.

Another area is the area of testing called antibiotic susceptibility. The world’s first antibiotic susceptibility test, which can shorten a total of three days to one day, is developed with capacitance and will be released later this year, but I think it can change the paradigm of the global market.

Q. What is the current supply status?
[임국진/ 프로테옴텍 대표]
(For allergy products) Currently, about 400,000 tests are supplied to the domestic market. The countries currently using our products are mainly Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Europe. So, the Indian market, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, is rising very sharply. Especially in Europe, Russia has recently been using our products, and all three of the largest medical and diagnostic testing institutions in Russia are using our products. The largest institutions in India use our products, as well as in Vietnam and Bangladesh.

The current capa is 100 to 2 million test capa. I am thinking about increasing the number of tests by about 4 million and setting up local factories in India or China in the future. The Chinese, Japanese and American markets have yet to enter. The market has entered the country and now clinical trials have to be conducted, so the cost is rather high. So, through this IPO, we are trying to advance by preparing such clinical and licensing costs.

Q. What are your strategies and goals after being listed on the KOSDAQ?
[임국진/ 프로테옴텍 대표]
We do not have to worry about financial stability. Currently, it is in a state of almost no debt due to debt-free management. Now I think it’s a turning point to try to get bigger profits by investing in more active activities. We have been steadily growing our sales. It has been growing by 25-30% every year. Among them, the most important thing is the extent of growth in overseas markets.

From this year, I think the percentage of overseas market will rise to about 60% of the total company’s profits this year. Proteomtech’s products are very diverse. The global market in this field is about 20 trillion won. So, now is the time for us to go out in business. That’s what I’m thinking.
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2023-05-22 09:31:44
#비즈초대석 #Lim #Gookjin #CEO #Proteomtech #listing #targeting #China #Japan #earnest #Overseas #sales #expected #rise #significantly