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Protection of mothers and children: vaccines and pregnancy – PAHO / WHO

The period of pregnancy is a delicate time for both mothers and the surrounding environment. It is natural for questions to arise on various topics, including vaccination. Providing clear and accurate information is essential to build trust and thus achieve the desired immunization in both mothers and babies.

Asked about this, Bremen De Mucio, regional councilor for maternal health of the Latin American Center for Perinatology – Women’s Health and Reproductive Health (CLAP / SMR), stated that “vaccines have proved to be one of the most effective interventions in the public sector. . As for vaccinations during pregnancy, the peculiarity is that two people are protected with a single vaccine ”. This is because the vaccine not only protects the mother but also the baby. De Mucio elaborated on the topic referring to what happened recently with the vaccine against COVID 19 and commented that vaccinations during pregnancy not only helped to reduce maternal mortality and the serious conditions of pregnant women, but also contributed to reduce preterm pregnancies linked to COVID 19. “This is not new, we had already seen the doubly protective effects in the case of the AH1N1 influenza pandemic. In addition, other vaccines applied to mothers, such as the vaccine against pertussis, tetanus, influenza, among others, have generated sufficient immunity for babies not to die in the early stages of their life, when they have not yet generated the ‘necessary immunity “, he indicated.

Recall that, in particular, the COVID 19 vaccine initially raised doubts about whether or not to administer it to pregnant women because there was not enough evidence that is usually required. However, it was soon seen that pregnant women constitute an at-risk population and it was essential to act quickly to prevent maternal and infant morbidity and mortality from continuing to increase. Evidence has shown that vaccination against COVID 19 before and during pregnancy is safe and effective and appears to indicate that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh any known or potential risks.

On this, the international consultant for maternal health of CLAP / WR, Claudio Sosa, stressed the importance that medical teams are committed and devote time to information and to answer the doubts that may arise in the mother and her environment, pointing out the evidence available and acknowledging what is not yet available. Sosa recalled that “The vaccination recommendation of an obstetrician-gynecologist or other health professional is one of the strongest influences on user acceptance”.

Another aspect to consider when talking about vaccines in pregnant women is the timing of administration. In this sense, the health team must carry out the necessary follow-up to ensure that the woman has the necessary vaccination at each stage of pregnancy.

CLAP / SMR director Suzanne Serruya pointed out that vaccines are highly recommended at all stages: before pregnancy, because they guarantee the protection of women; during it, for your protection and that of the child; and subsequently, as they do not interfere with breastfeeding. Furthermore, it is important to remember that not only the mother must be immunized, but her environment as well.

CLAP / SMR regional neonatal health consultant, Pablo Durán, recalled the importance of administering BCG and hepatitis B vaccines to infants soon after pregnancy, according to each country’s vaccination schedules.

In the current context, in which we still feel the impact of the pandemic due to the disruption of health services, it is particularly important to keep this in mind and promote vaccination. “

In conclusion, vaccinations during pregnancy are very beneficial for both mothers and babies, and health care teams have a great responsibility in terms of listening, accompaniment and guidance to promote vaccination and ensure protection from both. In this regard Serruya said that “The medical team has a very important job. There is a bond of trust between the patient and the healthcare staff that implies an enormous responsibility and is also an opportunity ”…“ We must be empathetic, listen and give clear answers. Only in this way will we be able to advance in quality care and, therefore, get closer to the goals we have set ourselves to safeguard the health of women and their children ”, she concluded.

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