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Protection for the immune system: Xenofit zinc plus chewable tablets

from tri2b.com | 03/30/2020 at 11:41

Triathletes are currently in the fortunate position that they can at least restrict their training in running and cycling and do it alone. In doing so, the immune system should not be overloaded with adapted intensities and volumes. In this context, it is also important to adequately supply the body with the trace element zinc.

The vital substances zinc and vitamin C are particularly recommended for sporting activities and physical exertion, because the trace element zinc is lost with every drop of sweat. Unfortunately, our body can neither produce zinc itself nor store it to a relevant extent. We therefore have to consume the trace element daily with our food. Meat contains the highest amounts of zinc, but e.g. B. also milk products, eggs, oatmeal and parsnips provide the valuable trace element. If you are not sure whether there is enough zinc in your diet, you can use the practical Xenofit zinc plus chewable tablets. They supply the body simply and tasty with the valuable trace element zinc and additional vitamin C. Two Xenofit zinc plus chewable tablets cover the reference amounts for the daily supply of zinc 100%.

Zinc contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and the maintenance of normal skin, hair, nails and bones. Vitamin C is also important for the immune system and the skin. Adequate supply of zinc and vitamin C must be ensured, particularly in times of increased demand or in the event of a one-sided diet. The practical Xenofit zinc plus chewable tablets with the refreshing taste of black currant are quick and easy to dose and are also ideal for on the go. Xenofit zinc plus chewable tablets are available in the pharmacy and can be ordered. The retail price for a can with 50 chewable tablets is 7.70 euros (RRP).

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