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Protection against corona virus: Avoid social contacts if possible, keep a distance of 1.5 meters

  • fromJuliane Gutmann

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New coronavirus infections in Europe are worrying and many are wondering how best to protect themselves. Those who observe the following rules reduce the risk of infection.

  • Coronavirus infection can be life-threatening for high-risk groups *.
  • The German government wants to slow down the spread of Covid-19 through close-meshed reporting chains, visits to care facilities and old people’s homes and strict exit regulations throughout Germany.
  • Everyone can do something to protect themselves and others from infection.

The coronavirus pandemic is not under control. In Germany, over 183,700 people have been infected with the corona virus since February 2020, and new cases are also being reported in other countries. It is no longer just travelers from China and people who have stayed in risky areas such as Italy, Tyrol, Iran or the province of Hubei that are considered potential carriers of the virus in Germany, but everyone now. Droplet infection * allows the novel corona viruses (also SARS-CoV-2) to be transmitted from person to person.

The Coronavirus Resource Center at Johns Hopkins University currently reports 6,288,167 coronavirus infections * worldwide 375.987
Dead complains. According to current knowledge, life-threatening consequences of a coronavirus infection can primarily have an impact on people with previous illnesses or the elderly.

also read: Coronavirus symptoms: Doctors detect dead intestinal tissue – and biliary mud.

Anyone can do this to prevent infection with the coronavirus

According to current knowledge, it can take up to 14 days before the first one after being infected with the coronavirus Symptoms such as cough, fever, diarrhea and breathing problems * occur. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the Federal Ministry of Health, the WHO and virologists recommend various behavioral measures to reduce your own risk of infection:

  • Follow the rules communicated by the federal government. For example, one publication says: “You should not have contact with other people. This means, for example: You should not meet other people. It is best to stay at home”. Even after the easing on April 15th, it still says:
    Only leave the house or apartment when necessary (for work, visiting a doctor or shopping for groceries, for example). Exercise in the fresh air is still possible to strengthen the immune system *, but only alone or with a relative who lives with you in a household. Since the end of April, it has also been allowed to meet people from another household. The main goal is to slow the spread of the virus, said Chancellor Angela Merkel.
  • Avoid traveling to high-risk areas such as the Hubei province in China, Italy, Iran, the state of Tyrol in Austria, and the US states of California and New York.(Find out more on the website of the Federal Foreign Office and check the news regularly).
  • Ensure good hand hygiene *.
  • Touch your face and that of others only with washed hands (Otherwise there is an increased risk of viruses entering the body through the mucous membranes).
  • Cough or sneeze in the crook of your arm and not in your hands.
  • Hold at least 1.5 meters away from others, for example when you go for a walk.
  • A mouth mask * makes sense in some cases. People with respiratory diseases are even strongly advised to wear a mouthguard to prevent others from being infected by droplet infection. To do this, however, a mouthguard must be worn close-fitting and changed when wet, as the RKI reports.
  • Strengthen your immune system * through healthy eating and exercise in the fresh air.
  • Social contacts should largely be discontinued – If necessary, even into the family environment, said Merkel in a weekly video message. Hugs and cheek kisses, according to the virologist Alexander Kekulé, should only be given to the partner or their own children, “because family members living in a household sooner or later infect each other anyway”. However, physical closeness should also be taboo within the closest family if someone is chronically ill or is at risk because of old age *.

Survey on the subject

sources: www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de; www.rki.de; www.infektionsschutz.de; www.auswaertiges-amt.de; www.rki.de/Fallzahlen; www.experience.arcgis.com; www.tagesschau.de; https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html

Continue reading: Medicines against Covid-19: EU agency with positive prognosis – approval “before summer”.


These viruses and bacteria make us sick

HIV virus: The virus triggers the immunodeficiency AIDS. Around 20 years after its discovery, AIDS is the most devastating infectious disease that humanity has challenged since the plague in the 14th century.
HIV virus: The virus triggers the immunodeficiency AIDS. Around 20 years after its discovery, AIDS is the most devastating infectious disease that humanity has challenged since the plague in the 14th century. © dpa / dpaweb-mm
Plague pathogen Yersinia pestis: The infectious disease was first detected in the Mediterranean in the 6th century. The bacterium was discovered in 1894. Nowadays, with early diagnosis, the chances of recovery from antibiotics are high.
Plague pathogen Yersinia pestis: The infectious disease was first detected in the Mediterranean in the 6th century. The bacterium was discovered in 1894. Nowadays, with early diagnosis, the chances of recovery from antibiotics are high. © dpa
Ebola virus: the virus causes fever associated with internal bleeding. The disease is fatal in up to 90 percent of cases. Scientists are working flat out on a vaccine.
Ebola virus: the virus causes fever associated with internal bleeding. The disease is fatal in up to 90 percent of cases. Scientists are working flat out on a vaccine. © dpa
Flu virus: antigens (yellow and blue antennas) sit on a double layer of fat that closes around the genetic material inside. Mixing different types of viruses creates new hereditary substances and thus also antigens.
Flu virus: antigens (yellow and blue antennas) sit on a double layer of fat that closes around the genetic material inside. Mixing different types of viruses creates new hereditary substances and thus also antigens. © dpa / dpaweb
Herpes Virus: Herpes simplex viruses are common worldwide. After an initial infection, the virus remains dormant in the organism for life.
Herpes Virus: Herpes simplex viruses are common worldwide. After an initial infection, the virus remains dormant in the organism for life. © dpa
Rhinovirus Human rhinovirus 16 (HRV16): Rhinitis is spread worldwide by rhinoviruses.
Rhinovirus Human rhinovirus 16 (HRV16): Rhinitis is spread worldwide by rhinoviruses. © picture alliance / Science Photo
Swine flu virus 1976: The classic swine flu is an influenza A virus of the H1N1 subtype, which was first isolated in 1930. The three subtypes H1N2, H3N2 and H3N1 are also important.
Swine flu virus 1976: The classic swine flu is an influenza A virus of the H1N1 subtype, which was first isolated in 1930. The three subtypes H1N2, H3N2 and H3N1 are also important. © dpa
Swine flu virus under a transmission electron microscope: The swine flu broke out in Mexico in 2009. This is a mutated swine flu virus of the H1N1 subtype, which, unlike usual, can also be transmitted from person to person.
Swine flu virus under a transmission electron microscope: The swine flu broke out in Mexico in 2009. This is a mutated swine flu virus of the H1N1 subtype, which, unlike usual, can also be transmitted from person to person. © dpa
Spanish flu virus: The Spanish flu (1918) is considered the worst flu pandemic ever. The Spanish flu is the H1N1 virus strand, which killed young people in particular. Experts estimate the number of victims to be between 40 and 50 million.
Spanish flu virus: The Spanish flu (1918) is considered the worst flu pandemic ever. The Spanish flu is the H1N1 virus strand, which killed young people in particular. Experts estimate the number of victims to be between 40 and 50 million. © dpa
Tuberculosis bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis: The disease, also known as consumption syndrome, although it is now considered curable, is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases in the world.
Tuberculosis bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis: The disease, also known as consumption syndrome, although it is now considered curable, is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases in the world. © dpa
Avian influenza A: Influenza A virus scheme (computer illustration from January 2006). The aggressive avian influenza virus of the H5N1 subtype belongs to the group of influenza A viruses, as do the numerous human flu viruses. The virus is spherical, its diameter is only 0.1 thousandths of a millimeter. Inside there is only room for a few proteins and the genetic material.
Avian influenza A: Influenza A virus scheme (computer illustration from January 2006). The aggressive avian influenza virus of the H5N1 subtype belongs to the group of influenza A viruses, as do the numerous human flu viruses. The virus is spherical, its diameter is only 0.1 thousandths of a millimeter. Inside there is only room for a few proteins and the genetic material. © dpa

*merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / dpa / Uli Deck

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