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Protecting Yourself from Poor Air Quality: Expert Recommendations

recommendations you have forthose who could be moreaffected by this poor qualityfrom air?yeila: at nightyou can see the smoke. I’ve beenthis mask all day,because the air quality isso bad, that it could harmthe health of people withheart disease orasma..to know if you areconditions would affect health,we talk to an expert>> the air quality isbad in new york and new jersey..outside you can see something thatlooks like smoke>> don’t feel bad and thisI continued to challenge if it is a personwith pre-existing diseasesuch as asthma or a diseaseconical Obstructive Pulmonary,you wait for them to put you inhospital.>> when we talk about theamount of time, how much isthe least that can happen and themaximum to have those effects?>> there are people who have thevery sensitive lungs and aminimal exposure, I’mspeaking of minutes agoseveral people who go out tothis environment can be putin trouble with irritation,short of breath, with spasmof the lungs. if you have onepre-existing disease,things get worse.Yeila: if it’s at home or in theoffice, do not open the windows.if you have an air purifier,pendal.do not take your children for a walkpets.how do you bike or go out torun.if you have to go out, useface mask.a mask like this helps,but not as much as you arehave a filter systemeach side.the best masks areyou have a purifierOn each side. first you have toplace it above thehead, be sure to tighteneach strap to fit theyou..The Department ofenvironmental conservation of newYork issued an alert for theair qualitydue to fine particlesin the air that come from theweed combustion inthat’s it.the authorities urge thatfollow these steps to reduceair pollution,use public transportwhen possible, turn offlights and appliances that are notbeing used. if you needthe air conditioning, placeThermostat at 78..close the windows and curtainsto preserve the airthe smell of smoke was stillfeel…those conditions are expected

2023-06-07 03:04:00
#Close #windows #wear #mask #protect #health #due #poor #air #quality #York

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