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Protecting Your Old Android Phone from Malware and Expensive International Calls

Title: Malware-infected Old Android Phones Making International Calls,⁤ Resulting⁣ in High Bills

Date: October 30, 2023

In​ recent⁢ news, a malicious software has been infecting old phones, particularly​ those running on the Android operating ⁢system. This malware ​is‍ incredibly cunning,⁢ as it can detect ⁤when the phone is left idle for an extended period, ​usually ‌during the night, and‌ proceeds to‍ make expensive international calls. ‌By doing so, it ‍avoids detection by the ⁢phone’s owner, who may notice their phone making calls on its own.⁣ However, ⁢these clever malware programs can⁢ even⁢ remove the call⁣ history from the phone’s registry, making it difficult for users to realize what has happened until they receive their bill, often with exorbitant charges reaching four-digit ​amounts.

The scammers behind this scheme​ deliberately choose calls ⁢that would incur significant costs for the phone’s owner. They benefit ⁤from this in two ways. Firstly, the fraudster‍ may own the numbers that ⁢the unsuspecting victims are calling,⁢ and they have an agreement with the operator to share​ the profits. Alternatively, they ⁤may collaborate with a small⁤ operator who ‌is‌ fully aware of the fraudulent ⁢activity and directly ⁢benefits from it.

Orange, a telecommunications company, has shed light​ on⁢ this fraudulent practice after one of‍ its customers⁤ reported an infected ‍phone. ‌As a result, Orange issued a detailed warning⁢ to those most vulnerable to such‌ scams. “Among the devices in the Orange Poland network ⁢that attempted to establish contact with the C&C botnet ‌servers (obviously blocked⁤ by CyberShield), the operating ⁣system versions ranged ⁤from⁢ Android 4.4 to⁤ 8.1. These are systems that were released between 2014 and 2017,” the company stated. Typically, such⁢ phones ​have received one or two major⁢ updates.

Orange has also published a⁣ list of applications that have attempted to ⁣carry out these attacks, including System Core, ⁢Mini World, and⁢ LEAGOO Share. As for the list of vulnerable phones, it includes models such as Alba Alba⁤ 6, ‍Xiaomi⁣ Redmi Note 3, Kruger_Matz MOVE_6_mini, and⁣ myPhone‍ Pocket_2. The complete list ‌can be ⁣found on⁢ Orange’s website.

This alarming situation serves as a‌ reminder ⁢for users of old Android phones ⁣to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to protect themselves from falling victim to such scams. Regularly updating ⁤the ‌operating system and being cautious ​while downloading applications can help mitigate the risk of malware infections and prevent ⁢unexpected high bills.

As technology continues to advance, it is crucial for users to stay informed and adapt their security measures accordingly to⁣ safeguard⁣ their​ personal and financial information.

What preventive measures are mobile network operators implementing ​to combat the issue of malware-infected old Android phones making high-cost calls

Nificant‍ charges, such as calling premium rate numbers or international destinations with high call rates. In ⁢some cases, the scammers have even set up their own premium rate numbers to profit from the calls made by ⁤the‍ infected phones.

The real danger lies in the fact that many of the affected phones are older models running outdated software versions that are no longer supported by security updates. This makes them more vulnerable to malware infections‍ and less likely to have the necessary‌ protection to detect and prevent such attacks.

Phone owners who fall victim to this scheme often only become aware of the issue when they receive their phone bill. Unfortunately, by that time, they have already incurred substantial charges that may⁣ be difficult to dispute or reverse. In some cases, victims have ‍reported bills exceeding⁢ several thousand‌ dollars.

To protect themselves from falling prey to this scam,​ users are encouraged to take a few preventive measures. Firstly,⁤ it is important ​to keep phones updated with the latest ⁣software versions and security patches. Secondly, installing a reputable antivirus app can help detect ‌and remove any malware‍ that may be present on the device. Additionally, users should be cautious about downloading apps from unknown sources or clicking ⁢on suspicious links.

Mobile network operators are also taking steps to combat this⁢ issue. They are actively monitoring call patterns and flagging any unusual or suspicious calls for investigation. ‌They are also working on implementing additional security measures to protect customers from these types⁤ of malware attacks.

In conclusion, ⁢the rise of malware-infected old Android phones making international calls has become a concerning issue, ⁤resulting in unexpectedly high bills for unsuspecting users. ⁢It is crucial for phone owners to stay vigilant, keep their devices updated, install antivirus apps, and exercise caution when downloading apps or clicking on links. By taking⁤ these steps, users can minimize the risk of falling victim to this scam and protect their finances from significant losses.

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