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Protecting Children from Influenza: The Importance of Early Vaccination

Hong Kong has entered the peak season of summer influenza at the end of August. As the COVID-19 epidemic has eased and mask orders and social distancing measures have been lifted for many months, the spread of both influenza viruses and COVID-19 viruses may increase due to more frequent social contacts. Children’s own immunity is weak, and now that social life has returned to normal, there will be more group activities after the start of school, which increases the risk of influenza infection. When the “untrained” immune system encounters the influenza virus, it may cause severe symptoms. Some doctors recommend that children should receive influenza vaccination as early as possible to reduce the risk of contracting influenza and complications.

Children exposed to influenza virus for the first time are more seriously ill Wearing a mask for a long time will lose the opportunity to build immunity

Dr. Hong Tianze, a specialist in family medicine at Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, said that children themselves are a high-risk group for influenza infection. In the past, children usually came into contact with other classmates while attending kindergarten before the epidemic. Normal social contact helps the body build immunity; but in the past, The epidemic of about three years has forced children to wear masks every day, and they have to stay at home during part of the day. They rarely have the opportunity to go out and interact with other people, which greatly reduces the chance of exposure to various bacteria and viruses, and makes children lose the ability to exercise their immunity. Chances are, once you are infected with influenza now, your condition may be more severe and your risk of requiring hospitalization is also higher.

Children’s immunity is weak, and wearing masks during the epidemic greatly reduces their exposure to various bacteria and viruses. Once they encounter the influenza virus, they may develop serious symptoms. Some doctors recommend that children should receive the flu vaccine as early as possible. (Mingpao information picture)

Related reading: Symptoms of influenza infection in children? Need to take Tamiflu? Side effects? 7 questions to deal with influenza

Pay attention to persistent high fever, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath BundleSeek medical adviceruletreatmenttime

Dr. Kang pointed out that parents should pay more attention to whether their children have symptoms and their severity. Generally speaking, whether it is the new coronavirus, influenza virus or other bacteria or viruses that affect the respiratory tract, they may cause respiratory symptoms. Children are exposed to viruses for the first time. , usually major reactions will occur, such as high fever, general muscle pain, sore throat and gastrointestinal discomfort. If parents find that their children have serious symptoms such as persistent high fever, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, they are advised to send them to the hospital as soon as possible. If necessary, the doctor will arrange a virus test to prescribe appropriate treatment.

vaccinatevaccinesuch as fighting diseasepoison“acting”habit

To prevent serious complications after influenza infection, Dr. Kang recommends that parents should take their children to receive the influenza vaccine as early as possible. Infants and young children aged 6 months or above are suitable for vaccination. He explained that getting the flu vaccine is like a “drill”, allowing the body to experience the attack mode of the flu virus in advance. Once infected, the body can quickly produce large amounts of antibodies to fight the virus. However, it takes two weeks after vaccination for the body to complete the “rehearsal” and increase immunity to the highest level. Therefore, it is recommended to vaccinate as early as possible before the peak period of influenza. Even if it is vaccinated after the peak period of influenza, it is not too late. In addition, parents should note that children under the age of 9 who receive the influenza vaccine for the first time should receive an additional influenza vaccine at least 4 weeks after the first vaccination to produce sufficient antibodies.

Related reading:[Children’s Health]If you have a fever of 39 degrees, which is a high fever, and if you have symptoms of cough, vomiting, and convulsions, seek medical attention. Parents’ attention: 7 DOs and DON’Ts for handling methods.

Nasal spray live attenuated vaccine is not suitable for people with nasal allergies minor side effectsIs positiveoftenreaction

Dr. Kang pointed out that in addition to the traditional injectable inactivated influenza vaccine, there are also nasal spray attenuated influenza vaccines available, but the latter is only suitable for people aged 2 to 49 years old, and it is not suitable for people with nasal allergies. . Generally speaking, minor side effects may occur after vaccination, such as pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, fever, headache, muscle pain, fatigue, etc. These are normal reactions and most disappear within 1 to 2 days after vaccination. If you develop symptoms of severe allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fast heartbeat, or other uncommon side effects such as blurred vision, tinnitus, rash, etc. after vaccination, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Dr. Kang reiterated that unless there is a history of allergic reactions after vaccination, everyone, not just children, should receive the influenza vaccine as early as possible to help reduce the risk of contracting influenza and related complications.

2023-09-18 03:53:06

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