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Protect Your WhatsApp Account from Hijacking and Hacking: Signs and Prevention Tips

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia WhatsApp users must be vigilant when they find certain characteristics on the cellphone screen. It could be that the WhatsApp account is being hijacked by someone else.

The horror is that hijacking a WhatsApp account can end up draining the account. This of course will be detrimental to users because hackers can also monitor activities on your WhatsApp, such as private messages, to the contents of contacts.

There are many ways for hackers to commit piracy and spying. Such as installing third-party applications, using WhatsApp Web, to sending malware to cellphones.



This can be very dangerous, especially since Whatsapp is now also used to receive One Time Passwords from various applications, including online shopping and financial applications.

The intercepted WhatsApp feature is quite easy to recognize, following are the signs:

1. OTP

One Time Password (OTP) is a six-digit code and is usually sent via SMS when accessing WhatsApp. This means that if there is an incoming message someone is trying to get into the WhatsApp account. Do not give this OTP code to anyone.

2. Exit WhatsApp

One of the recognizable features is that it suddenly exits WhatsApp. It could be that another device is trying to login to the WhatsApp account. You can identify the other device by pressing the three-dot icon and selecting WhatsApp Web.

3. Message Read

When there are messages that have been opened and read, you have to be careful. This could be a sign your account has been hijacked.

4. Self-Sent Messages

This feature is the same as before. Beware if a message suddenly sends itself even though you never sent it.

How to Prevent WhatsApp from Being Hacked

You need precautions to prevent becoming a victim of WhatsApp hijacking. One of them is by activating the two-step verification feature, so other people still cannot access WhatsApp because they don’t know the PIN that was previously set.

Follow these steps to enable two-step verification:

Click the three dots icon in the WhatsApp application.

Select Settings.

Enter Account settings.

Pilih Two-step verification.

WhatsApp will ask to activate two-step verification with a PIN.

Click Enable to activate the feature.

Create a PIN, enter six digits as desired.

Next, you will be asked to enter the email address associated with the account. This is intended if one day you want to change your PIN.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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2023-08-14 14:00:00
#WhatsApp #Tapped #Feature #Easy #Identify #Watch #Signs

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