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Protect from Covid-19 by Maintaining the Immune System

JAKARTA – To be protected from the SARS-CoV-2 corona virus attack, it is necessary to maintain the body’s immunity. Good immunity makes the virus fail to infect the body.

“The immune system can maintain the immune system. This is a system that can detect foreign objects in our body or objects that are considered foreign in our bodies, “said the doctor of Indonesian Children’s Immunology Allergy Expert, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiabudiawan Dr. SpA (K), in a webinar held by Kalbe on Thursday (24 / 7).

The defense function of the immune system will increase the number of white blood cells or leukocytes by forming antibodies. “If the defense function runs normally, it will defend itself from incoming foreign objects,” Budi.

Usually if the defense function runs abnormally (abnormal), it can trigger hypersensitivity or allergies. In addition there is a recurring infection called immunodeficiency.

The second function of homeostasis is to maintain degeneration or catabolism in the body. Degeneration is closely related to the state of body cells that can be damaged or die. Normally, the body’s cells can be damaged or die because we are sick or aging.

In the immune system, this homeostatic function plays a role in removing or removing damaged and dead cells. However, on the contrary if an abnormal condition occurs in homeostatic function it can cause autoimmune disease.

The third function of supervision is in charge of monitoring and recognizing abnormal cell types that arise constantly. Abnormal cells, also called mutant cells, can occur spontaneously or induced by viruses or chemicals that enter the body.

If this monitoring function is not functioning properly, it can cause malignancy, such as leukemia and lymphoma. “So cancer is one of the factors due to the disruption of our body’s surveillance system,” Budi said.

How to keep the immune system running well? According to Budi, one of the ways is to maintain mental health and complete the required nutrients.

Another way that is done is to meet the body’s need for vitamins in addition to carbohydrates, protein, and fat. “Vitamin D plays a role in maintaining endurance both for adults and children. It also functions well for bone growth,” he explained. Hay / G-1

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