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Protect children from sexual violence online

Bad Nauheim / Wetteraukreis (pm). “Wildwasser”, an advice center against sexual violence in childhood and adolescence, deals with sexual violence against children on the Internet in a press release. When perpetrators search for their victims on the Internet, this is called cybergrooming. “They use various social networks such as Instagram, Snapchat or the chat function of online games to establish contact with children and young people,” the press release said.

»The perpetrators proceed strategically. They seek contact, gain the trust of children and young people, manipulate their perception, entangle them in dependency and ensure that they do not confide in anyone. These acts are also considered preparation for child sexual abuse in a chat and are punishable by law. “

Nowadays, 85 percent of ten to eleven year olds are online, younger children use the internet with a similar frequency. The danger is not only that children and young people are persuaded to meet in person. Many perpetrators exercised sexual violence over the net by asking the children, for example, to send photos “that show them in a sexually provocative pose,” writes “Wildwasser”. With these pictures, the perpetrator has a new leverage in hand. It usually doesn’t stop at one photo. “Since children and young people are often aware that they have done something unwise or forbidden, there is great shame. Many people therefore fail to confide in someone. «What can adult caregivers do to protect children? »It is important to talk to children and young people about their media consumption and the dangers of sending personal data such as photos or videos. The responsibility for sexual violence rests solely with the perpetrator, never with the child, ”says the press release, which also refers to the“ whitewater ”offer. The consultation rooms are located in Bad Nauheim (In den Kolonnaden 17). Online and telephone advice are also possible.

For girls aged 13 and over, there will also be a free online workshop on November 16 as part of the girls’ action days. Registration by November 16, 2021 at [email protected].

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