Home » today » Business » Prospects for Doubling of Zeeland Bridge and New Nuclear Power Stations in Zeeland: Electoral Compass Insights and Majority Support in House of Representatives

Prospects for Doubling of Zeeland Bridge and New Nuclear Power Stations in Zeeland: Electoral Compass Insights and Majority Support in House of Representatives

The possible doubling of the Zeeland Bridge is part of the widening of the entire road (N256 and N59) between Goes and Hellegatsplein.

In the Zeeland Electoral Compass ten of the eighteen parties say ‘yes’ to that idea. Even though there are no concrete plans yet for the expensive construction of all that. According to the most recent IPSOS poll (November 1), these parties account for 100 of the 150 seats in the new House of Representatives. So they have a large majority.

The expected opponents of such a large-scale opening of Zeeland to the northeast include GL-PvdA, D66, SP, PvdD and the Christian Union, according to the Electoral Compass.

There will soon be an even larger majority in the House of Representatives (if the IPSOS poll is indeed released) in favor of the construction of new nuclear power stations. It can count on the support of thirteen parties, which currently account for 111 seats in the polls. Anyone who fills out the Zeeland Electoral Compass will see that only GL-PvdA, the SP, Bij1 and the PvdD are against new nuclear power stations.

It is not yet a foregone conclusion that any new nuclear power stations will be built in Zeeland, but our province has the best chance. There is already a nuclear power plant here and a majority of Zeelanders are in favor of even more nuclear power plants.

2023-11-07 20:12:35
#Doubling #Zeeland #Bridge #promising #House #Representatives

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