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Prosecutor’s report confirms attempts by Mexican cartels to enter drugs through the Port of San Antonio

By Redacción PortalPortuario.cl


A report from Drug Trafficking Observatory, issued by the Illicit Drug Trafficking Unit of the Chilean National Prosecutor’s Office, confirmed that international cartels, such as that of Sinaloa and that of Jalisco New Generation, both Mexicans, have tried to penetrate the Chilean market through six drug trafficking frustrated by the Port of San Antonio, with more than 6 tons of marijuana.

The document noted that “the low production of narcotics derived from the coca leaf by Colombian, Peruvian and Bolivian gangs, added to the onslaught generated by the Mexican cartels, in particular the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG), have determined that during the second semester of 2020, significant drug shipments from Mexico have been detected in the Port of San Antonio ”.

“An example of this is the seizure of 3.5 tons of marijuana, detected in the Port of San Antonio, inside containers with ceramic boxes from the Port of manzanillo, a situation that would evidence an eventual participation of Mexican cartels, which would be expanding their illicit trade through new maritime routes to our country, since there was no previous evidence of this modality, “the report indicated.

Likewise, the brief postulated that, “as a particular situation and to which special treatment should be given, it is related to criminal organizations bolivian, who continue to use the Port of Arica as an embarkation point for illegal drug shipments, not ruling out that they also do so through Antofagasta, given the franchises that Bolivia has for the use of said port according to the 1904 Treaty with Chile ”.

According to the Observatory of Drug Trafficking, this is a “situation that has imposed the need to resume and reinforce contact with Bolivian authorities, specifically with the Special Force to Combat Drug Trafficking (FELCN), in order to achieve a fluid exchange of information from the police sphere, in order to detect and neutralize illicit drug trafficking activities across the common border and which, in the end, also end up transiting through national territory, using Chilean ports to materialize their illicit purposes ”.

In addition, the report pointed out that “the different public policies adopted by the State have determined that transnational organized crime, in order to violate the established control barriers, has changed land routes for maritime routes. For drug trafficking, Chile is a very important target, as it is the Latin American country with the highest rate of drug use and, moreover, not a drug producer, to which is added high activity in its international trade via maritime, a valid option to materialize drug shipments to overseas markets ”.

“With everything and regardless of the high consumption of narcotics in Chile, it must be considered that the country’s image is also used for the purposes of shipping drugs overseas. In fact, in many of the seizures made in third countries, they relate to ships and / or containers in transit or departing from national ports, it has been found that the drugs were loaded during the navigation of the ship outside national waters or during landfalls in foreign intermediate port ”, he added.

“Examples of the above are the detection on board a merchant ship and inside containers of almost 20 tons of cocaine in the Port of Philadelphia and that, according to statements by the crew itself, the drug had been loaded on several occasions. during the navigation en route by high seas with the support of boats and their participation ”, he revealed.

“Another registered case was the one that occurred in November 2020, in the port of Gioia Tauro, Italy, in which 932 kg were found inside a container with mussels from Chile. of cocaine in bags collected between the cargo, which, according to information confirmed by related international organizations, would have been loaded while it was in an intermediate port of Panama, “the document stated.

“According to the International Center for Research and Analysis against Maritime Drug Trafficking of the Colombian Navy, drug trafficking is constantly analyzing the use of new techniques for drug trafficking by sea. In this sense and according to the results, it continues to implement and generate new trends and concealment methods to supply the existing demand in the world ”, he indicated.

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