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‘Prosecutor’s check’ officially launched… Kim Jin-wook “No arrogant power”

President Wen “neutrality-independence is the most important”
On the 21st, the Office of Crime Investigation for High-ranking Public Officials (Airborne Office), which can investigate and prosecute corruption cases of members of the National Assembly, judges and prosecutors, and senior public officials of level 3 or higher, was officially launched on the 21st. It has been one year and 22 days after the law to establish an airlift to check the prosecution, which has monopolized the prosecution authority, was passed by the National Assembly on December 30, 2019. Kim Jin-wook, the first Minister of Public Transport, held an inauguration ceremony at 3:30 pm on the 21st at the government office in Gwacheon and said, “I will never become an arrogant power in front of the sovereign people.” Kim said, “The airborne ministry should thoroughly observe political neutrality and independence, and conduct a fair investigation by investigating corruption of high-ranking officials without sanctuary.” I think I can get the trust of the company.”

Earlier, President Moon Jae-in delivered a letter of appointment to Deputy Minister Kim this morning, saying, “I think the most important virtues are neutrality and independence,” and stressed that “neutrality from politics and independence from existing agencies are important”. Deputy Minister Kim replied at this meeting that “if the Ministry of Public Affairs lays the foundation for an advanced investigative agency and a human rights-friendly investigative agency and gains public trust, the prosecution’s wrong investigation practices will also change.”

Yea Godo [email protected], Seokjun Bae, Hyomok Park reporters

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