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Prosecutor who leaked ‘JMS investigation record’… Officers and NIS also helped

‘Dismissal confirmed’ former prosecutor… Lost all cancellation cases
Circumstances of leaking investigation records for JMS President Myung-Seok Chung
“Measures against the Jung Myung-seok case… It comes from a private purpose”
Dismissed, but not punished… Daejeon area lawyer activities


Controversy is brewing as claims have been raised that those protecting JMS president Jung Myung-seok, who raped women, are spread throughout our society.

In the past, an incumbent prosecutor assisted JMS and was dismissed, and even filed a lawsuit for cancellation, but lost the case.

This is reporter Kim Hye-rin.


Mr. Lee, who served as a prosecutor until 2007 and was confirmed to be dismissed, is known as the prosecution’s ‘dismissal No. 1’.

Afterwards, he filed a lawsuit to cancel the dismissal and dragged it to the Supreme Court, but all lost.

At the time, the ruling document detailed the process of Lee’s dismissal while working for JMS President Myung-Seok Jeong while he was a prosecutor.

First, when Mr. Lee was working at the Gwangju District Prosecutor’s Office in 1999, when the kidnapping of a JMS woman was reported, he called Ban JMS representative Professor Kim Do-hyung and made a threatening statement to the effect that he could be punished for defamation.

In addition, while working at the Seoul Northern District Prosecutor’s Office, I continued to monitor Professor Kim’s immigration details, and at the Hongseong Branch Office, I personally read the case in which President Chung was accused of quasi-forced indecent assault.

The court concluded that Mr. Lee, a member of the JMS legal team, did this for President Chung.

In particular, the information extracted using the prosecutor’s position was used to create a response document for the JMS case, which suggested that President Jung’s charges of quasi-indecent assault be answered with “consultation, but no indecent act.” .

Besides, at the time, not one person had handled JMS’s legal issues in this way.

In the ruling, it is said that an officer from the military service worked with Lee as a so-called ‘fighting team’ and managed legal issues and VIPs.

In addition, there was a testimony that a level 4 NIS employee confirmed the fact of Professor Kim Do-hyung’s immigration.

Even the veterinarian acted as a member of the legal team, the court judged.

[김도형 / 단국대 교수·JMS 피해자 모임 ‘엑소더스’ 대표 : 사회 곳곳에 신도들이 있고요. 법조계, 언론계, 군, 국정원, 대학교수…. 사회의 오피니언 리더들을 전부 확보하고 있고….]

The court did not accept Lee’s argument that he was a Christian and had nothing to do with JMS.

However, Mr. Lee, who escaped criminal punishment because the statute of limitations has passed or the evidence is insufficient, is known to be working as a lawyer in the Daejeon area.

This is YTN Kim Hye-rin.

YTN Kim Hye-rin ([email protected])

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