Home » today » News » Prosecuted for several murders, the Atlanta shooter presents himself as a “sex addict” wanting to remove “a temptation”

Prosecuted for several murders, the Atlanta shooter presents himself as a “sex addict” wanting to remove “a temptation”

His mad murderous spree claimed the lives of eight people: the author of the attacks on Tuesday evening against three massage parlors in Atlanta and its surroundings was charged, Wednesday, March 17, with murders, of which six of the eight victims are from Asian descent and seven are female.

Robert Aaron Long, a 21-year-old white man, “Claims not to have a racist motive”Jay Baker, a local police official, said at a press conference. Presenting himself as a “Sexually obsessed” anxious to delete “A temptation”, “he implied that he had sex addiction problems and may have frequented several of these places in the past”, said the policeman again.

Investigators believe it is too early to comment on his reasons. The federal police (FBI) intends to assist local investigators to verify his statements, by scanning social networks and questioning his relatives.

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Devout Christian gun enthusiast

The young man, a devout Christian gun enthusiast, first opened fire in the late afternoon at a massage parlor in Acworth, about 50 kilometers from Atlanta, killing four and two injured. A waitress from a local fast-food restaurant who came for a massage with her husband is one of the victims. He later attacked two other salons, located in the large southern city, mopping four more lives.

According to investigators, he wanted to continue his murderous outfit as far as Florida, by fighting against impulses that he likened to “Temptation”. Captured by surveillance cameras, located by his cell phone, he was apprehended after a chase, more than 240 kilometers south of Atlanta. Police announced on Wednesday that they had charged him with murder, manslaughter and assault.

Without prejudging the outcome of the investigations, President Joe Biden stressed that “Asian Americans were very worried”. ” Violence “ against this minority are “Very worrying”, he added. The tragedy comes as this community says it has suffered increasing verbal and physical attacks since the start of the pandemic.

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Bouquets of flowers were placed in front of the door of one of the targeted massage parlors, the signs of which “Open” and ” welcome “ were still on.

“Now I’m a little scared”said Alice Hung, a 22-year-old California student from Taiwan who came to Atlanta for the holidays. The drama “Shocks our conscience”, added Sam Park, local community representative. “Last year, we have already seen racism, discrimination and a resurgence of violence against Asian Americans, considered to be scapegoats because of the pandemic”, he lamented.

According to anti-racist activists, resentment was fueled by the speech by former President Donald Trump, who often referred to Covid-19 as “Chinese virus”.

The World with AFP

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