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“Pros and Cons of Using PHPStorm for Custom Work”

It has its pros and cons, just like anything.

For example, I do custom work. PHPStorm is strongly geared towards popular frameworks.

Sometimes that autocompletion does really crazy things, like a function that I have NOT completed because it doesn’t understand my custom structure, for example, but then completes it to something very similar that is known from the popular frameworks. This sometimes causes those ‘inconspicuous slightly different’ autocompletes for me.

In addition, it sometimes messes up my camelcasing, or, what it sometimes does very annoyingly, is your autocomplete when you want to type something in between. Unfortunately, it often doesn’t understand things when you want auto-replenishment somewhere in between, but then leave those last letters.

What often breaks my clog is the pointlessness of, for example, “non-existing class calls” or “non-existing variables” that really exist, but are not understood, so that I have to turn off the complete error-checking because it’s just shit annoying is.

There is also the super typical irritation with “the brackets”. eg that I call a variable, but phpstorm automatically turns it into a function by adding () after it.
Or that I want to post a single quote, but PHPStorm automatically makes it 2 quotes, where it also deletes them both when I press delete / backspace, so that I first have to go somewhere and come back to just one of them to remove the 2.

These are just a few examples of situational irritations. Obviously this is a huge 50-50, because now it is on and then those irritations are noticeable. If it’s off, I can also guarantee I’d miss the auto-replenishment massively.
It just can’t read your mind and doesn’t work that super perfectly. It’s “usually” great, but can also be just horribly annoying depending on the exact situation.

This does not alter the fact that I use the IDE precisely for this kind of thing, so I partly agree with you. Only name the less beautiful aspects.
This is my statement and you will have to make do with it.

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