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Pros and cons of buying Instagram followers for money

You can buy almost anything online, for better or for worse.

Likes, comments and, of course, buying followers on social networks are no exception to the rule.

Despite measures taken by major platforms to combat this practice, it remains very difficult to combat this thriving business.

It is estimated that there are between 50% and 80% of inactive profiles on social networks, which shows the scale of this phenomenon. To buy live followers on Instagram without unsubscriptions and cheaply switch to the service.

The success of buying likes, comments and subscribers depends, first of all, on the image that brands want to create. These are attractive, recognizable and popular brands with a large audience.

How can you find targeted followers for your Instagram profile?

To make a business work, you need people who believe in what you do and what you want to do. Simply put, they must share your vision of the world.

If a user buys into your vision, they will gradually become a follower on your Instagram profile and then a client.

To achieve this result, there is a traditional way, which is this:

  • Develop an Effective Instagram Content Strategy
  • Creating an editorial calendar
  • Post inspiring and credible content
  • Regular interaction with your community

Through this process, you will see your audience gradually grow over time. I’m not saying it’s easy to achieve, but regularity coupled with compelling messaging should lead to good results. This link will help you increase Instagram subscribers for free up to 10,000 units in 5 minutes and cheaply if necessary.

Before we get into the subconscious buying of followers, Instagram is a network where there is still an unspoken rule: the Follow/Unfollow rule.

In short, this rule is to follow a person who follows our account: “you follow me, I follow you” and vice versa.

Many agencies or tools automate this step as it is time consuming and requires rigor.

If you want to test this option, start by targeting users in your core audience to competitor accounts or hashtags in your industry.

How to get more followers on your Instagram account

Many companies, influencers, or individuals use this type of scheme to artificially inflate their accounts and create the illusion that many people are following you. This way, you hope to get more followers since people are more likely to follow a popular page.

Going back to what was explained above, you must understand that buying Instagram followers is not a magic solution that will allow you to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

Risks of buying Instagram followers – pros and cons

Purchased subscribers are in most cases fictitious people. They were artificially created by bots for the sole purpose of counting 1 as your subscriber count. These “fake followers” ​​remain inactive until the Instagram algorithm detects them and removes them. Don’t rely on them to interact with your Instagram account.

By buying subscribers, you increase your audience. Thus, you dilute your “real subscribers” with a larger group. If you know that Instagram only sends your new posts to a small percentage of your audience (around 5%), you’re likely missing out on your “real followers.” If your latest post only appears on the walls of your “dummy followers,” you will see a sharp decline in your likes and comments.

To compensate for the drop in engagement per post, you’ll be tempted to buy a few Instagram likes and a few comments. This is an endless spiral that costs a lot of money for sometimes completely artificial results.

If, despite all my warnings, you categorically insist on buying subscribers on specialized sites. At the time of writing, you can buy 10,000 followers for your Instagram page for more than 1,000 rubles.

Prices may increase if you choose international subscribers or fast shipping.

As for likes, they are much cheaper.

Is it possible to find out that a blogger bought followers on Instagram?

Now you can find out if a brand has bought followers thanks to analytics tools on Instagram.

There are several elements that let you quickly see if an account is buying followers.

  • The first is an abnormal increase in the number of subscribers over a certain period.
  • Most new accounts don’t have a profile photo
  • New subscribers have interesting names
  • subscribers often have names from exotic countries
  • subscribers can post no more than ten photos in one day.

If any of your clients, partners or even employees realize the deception, your credibility will be undermined.


Instagram is also relentlessly on the hunt for fake accounts, so there’s a good chance your followers will disappear one by one, sending you back to square one. After all, isn’t it easiest to follow these tips on how to improve your Instagram marketing?

author of the article: Pleteeva Elizaveta Sergeevna

Instagram is an organization banned in the Russian Federation and recognized as extremist.

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