Jakarta –
PKB DPP chairman Lukmanul Khakim proposed the name of the cooperation party supporting the presidential candidate (Bacapres) Anies Baswedan and Ketum Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) as PBNU Coalition. He said these two figures had a strong commitment to PBNU.
“I propose the name of the NasDem-PKB coalition: PBNU Coalition. Pancasila Coalition, Unity in Diversity, NKRI and the 1945 Constitution,” Lukmanul confirmed, Thursday (7/9/2023).
Lukmanul said these two figures had a strong commitment to Pancasila up to the 1945 Constitution. Anies and Cak Imin were said to uphold pluralism and commitment to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
“Why did I suggest a name PBNU Coalitionbecause the pair Anies-Gus Imin (AMIN) are both leaders who have had a strong commitment to PBNU, a commitment to Pancasila as the ideology and foundation of the country,” said Lukmanul.
“Commitment to diversity and pluralism, commitment to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as a unitary state that cannot be replaced by anything, whether it is the caliphate or a federal state, as well as the commitment to the 1945 Constitution as a constitution,” he continued.
Lukmanul said that if the name of the coalition was approved, it would ward off Anies’ opinion that it seemed as if he was pro-khilafah. According to him, the name of the coalition will answer the doubts of the people.
“So if the name of the Anies-Gus Imin coalition is approved later PBNU Coalition“Of course this is an answer for those who have been in doubt, especially since recently a black campaign has appeared attacking Mas Anies as if he were pro-caliphate,” he said.
He hopes that the name of the coalition will be approved by many parties. According to him, Anies and Cak Imin are figures who will protect national interests, not just groups.
“My hope is of course that if it is approved all at once so that the public will not be easily tempted by provocations with issues that are not true, Anies-Gus Imin is a national figure as well as a leader who is committed to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and is ready to protect and guard national interests.national interest),” he concluded.
Watch the video ‘NasDem and PKB Turns Out They Are Assembling the Anies-Cak Imin Winning Team!’:
2023-09-07 03:53:44
#Chairman #PKB #DPP #Suggests #AniesCak #Imin #Coalition #PBNU #Coalition