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Proposal to Reduce Number of Students in New York City Classrooms Due to Coronavirus | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

hope: before the propagacónof the delta variant theteachers union next tocity ​​council proposereduce the amount ofstudents in classrooms romytalked with parents, teachers anda pediatrician that you explain to usthe risks that childrentended to share the roomof classes.romy: the teachers uniontogether with the president of the councilof education of the city ofwayar presented aLegislation this Thursday thatlimit the number of studentsin classrooms duringthe new school year.a councilman explains to usthe intention is to reducerisks of contagioncoronavirus whencases of the delta variant.>> we are asking the governmentthat understands that 30 children in asaon is not healthy.they have to understand that we haveto change the rules.romy: the proposal reduced thenumber of students inclassrooms and lift from20 to 35 square feetminimum space per person inclassroom in grades one to12.in this regard we wanted to knowthe mayor’s opinion, but notwe had a chance in hisconference. also thatwe want the department ofeducacóny in a statementThey replied “we follow astandard approach approved byhealth and size expertsof the classes is limitedto ensure that eachstudent get the attention andthe space you need.we are making investmentshistorical to hire wingsteachers, build a newinstructional space and supportclasses to the little ones.we will review this legislationproposal “.in order to know what is seriousthe risks for younger children12 years old, we talked to apediatrician on the measures ofreturn to face-to-face classes,especially in very salonsvillages.>> if there are many peopletogether in closed places istake care of our children, keepweather.vaccinated or not vaccinated.romy: to reduce the amountof students the departmenteducation must provide otheralternative forms of classeslike the virtual that whatsome parents propose andteachers who think they aredelaying in making the decision.>> think that we have notfixed decisions and not having aplan there are peopleinfected that they should nothave been.>> There is still a risk of being.in June almost 60% of thefamilies stayed home.it’s like a big questionbecause today is notlistening to the voice ofparents.romy: a group of parents andteachers are collectingsignatures and seeing to have the optionremote education for himnext school year.they are already approaching 500 signatureswhich will then be sent to

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