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Propolis treatments increase immunity

A mixture of healing substances, propolis is indicated in many diseases, to stimulate immunity, herpes, eczema.

Over time, this elixir with antibiotic virtues produced by bees has proven its effectiveness in over 200 diseases, from respiratory, skin and even cancer. Propolis is found in the form of various preparations, one of which is propolis tincture.

With very few exceptions, which we will specify later, propolis tincture is not administered diluted in water, because certain substances in its composition harden in contact with water, becoming insoluble and as such pass through the body without effect. Also, do not take simple propolis tincture, because in contact with saliva will produce the same effect as in the case of dilution in water.

This is how you increase immunity with propolis tincture!

Several studies in Japan, the United States and Russia have shown that propolis activates the immune system very strongly. Thus, the propolis tincture administered systematically increases the production of specialized cells of the immune system, makes them more “aggressive”, which determines a greater resistance to infections with any type of germ.

To increase immunity, a 3-week cure is made, during which time 30-40 drops of propolis tincture are taken 4 times a day.

Propolis ointment, good for burns

In case of mild burns, apply with propolis ointment or propolis ointment and sorrel. In severe burns, propolis tincture is applied – it produces very strong stings, but its healing effects are amazing.

The secret is that in the first 30-60 minutes, without putting a bandage, to pour directly over the burn propolis tincture. This can mean one application every few minutes. After about half an hour, the pain is almost no longer felt and it is observed that instead of increasing the inflammatory signs, they gradually diminish. After an hour, almost nothing was noticed at the scene of the burn.

Find out on clicksanatate.ro how to use propolis to treat herpes and eczema!

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