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Property prices in Dijon in March 2022: indices for buying and renting

Selling prices and rents in Dijon: learn more about this with the information from Fnaim and of Clamor.
If you plan to bet on stone within this municipality, it should first be noted that the average selling price reached €2,804 /m² on March 1, 2022, according to the Fnaim index. This amount recorded an increase of 3.2% in three months and 9.2% in 12 months. This is a good representation of the vitality of the Dijon real estate market. A glance at the index for the past three years shows that stone prices have increased significantly (+26.5%).

Price per m² in Dijon: how is the local real estate market doing in March 2022?

Going into a little more detail on the figures, it should be remembered that the average prices of real estate in Dijon, on March 1, 2022, are divided as follows: 3,797 €/m² for houses and 2,627 €/m² for apartments, all types combined. You have the possibility to discover the detail by category of accommodation below:

  • House T3: 4.087 €/m²
  • House T4: 3.861 €/m²
  • House T5: 3.718 €/m²
  • House T6 and +: 3,667 €/m²
  • One-bedroom apartment: €3,135/m²
  • T2 apartment: €2,731/m²
  • 3-room apartment: €2,535/m²
  • Apartment T4 and +: €2,412/m²

The price per square meter in this city is 28% higher than that of the department. For the latter, it is €2,006.

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Rents per m² in Dijon: renting accommodation over the last 4 quarters

Potential tenants or real estate investors in Dijon can access rental amounts by category of property. The data provided by the Clameur Observatory gives a precise idea of ​​the local rental market.

Over the past 4 quarters, the median rent* for apartments, all surface areas combined, in Dijon has been €11/m² (excluding charges).
+2.2%, here is the variation in rents within the city compared to the same period last year. An upward trend.
Overview of median rents* in Dijon by type of property over the last 4 quarters (charges not included):

  • One-bedroom apartment: €14/m²
  • T2 apartment: €12/m²
  • Apartment T3 and +: 10 €/m²

For rents, the figures reflect the following evolution compared to the same period a year earlier: +0.1% for one-bedroom rentals, +1.1% for one-bedroom apartments and +4.6% for housing type T3 and +. Over 5 years, tenants have seen their rents evolve: +3.7% for one-bedroom apartments, +5.1% for properties categorized as one-bedroom apartments and +6.9% for accommodation in the three-bedroom category and above.

* The median price shows that half of the leases were made at a lower price, and the other half at a higher rate. This marker is more representative of the transactions carried out than an average because it is less influenced by extreme values.

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Why invest in real estate in Dijon?

This information on the city will assist you in the organization of your real estate project. Dijon is located in the Côte-d’Or department, within the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region. It has 156,854 inhabitants and covers a total area of ​​40 km².
The city of Dijon has the reputation of being lively. According to INSEE, there are, from a cultural point of view, 2 theaters and 4 cinemas. It counts, for sports enthusiasts, 8 swimming pools, 37 gymnasiums and 24 stadiums. Regarding shops, there are 1,888 various and varied shops. The city also has 78 green spaces, perfect for residents who can enjoy a quiet setting with their family or during their studies or retirement.

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