Unit 4: Pandrecht – Moodle review
1. The Kredithypothek is a ttypical Fall for a hightbetragshypothek -> Wahr
2. A maximum amountagsmortgage…
– kalso in the futuree Forsecure security, wthan Person of the debtorfirst, the believeriss and
the Rreal reason festsdon.,
–goes bthe acquisition of a singleElen Forderung (Zession or redemption) not aon the purchaser
a forchange over.
3. Acquiring a mortgage requiresorchanges the entryaction in the basic balso (§ 451 ABGB). -> Wahr
4. A mortgage wed by Avrealization in the best possible wayandsblatt der istemporary land register deposit
justified. -> Fall
5. Wheche of the consequencesthe statements ist/are korrect?
– The Pfandrreal and superedificeaten becomes majorch certificatesterlegung (UHG gem) acquired.,
– Die Hypothek is a non-possessory Pfand.
6. At a maximumBetweengshypothek ist the specality principle abge.gright -> Wahr
7. A funconditional mortgageek remains formell bestmarriage until their solutionregistration in the land registerincorporated
is. -> Wahr
8. Welche of the following statementen is/are correctect?
– Up to the Ldeletion of an forderless hypothek in the land register bestht one
forderungsentkleidete ownershipypothek.
9. The provision of § 14 Paragraph 2 GBG is tspeaker. -> wrong
10. The good faith acquisition ofon maximumtragshypotheken is outeclosed. -> true
11. The Pfandrecht kthen also to a third partyerverpfwho changesthe. this will then as Answer
-recht withoutyournet.
12. The Pfandrecht ist an answer dingliches Rreally, that the Pfand believer
beforepullses at a thing to secure his Forder ggranted.
13. Upwhy theys -principle ist the pledgeecht from Besstate of the form to be securedderation
dependent. The principle dis Phandaftung means, date it until fullen satisfaction
Thereforedis liable
14. Becomes an Sache verpfäfinds, hestrthe Pf cornersandrreally gem. Section 457 ABGB also on their Tother,
the fruite and the accessories. -> Wahr
2023-12-05 18:26:12
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