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Proper nutrition: how to raise immunity

Now, when there is a season of incidence of SARS and influenza, we think about, how to protect yourself from viruses. In addition to known preventive measures, it is important to remember about nutrition. What foods strengthen the immune system?



Of course, it’s not about that, that food will replace medicine, or one change in diet can achieve amazing results. But, still, proper nutrition plays an important role, creating favorable or unfavorable conditions for the body to work. What products are the allies of our immunity during the outbreak of SARS, besides the well-known honey, lemon and garlic?


Fresh Ginger Root – Not So Popular, like lemon remedy, but worthy of attention. Why? It is a mild natural immunostimulant, in which there are both B vitamins and amino acids. By the way, for synergistic effect, naturopaths advise drinking tea with grated ginger, lemon and honey. Against such a triple bomb, the viruses certainly will not stand.


This northern berry has two most valuable: first, It retains all its nutrients during long-term storage of heat treatment. Secondly, in addition to vitamin C, amino acids, and other things, it has an amazing property – it prevents microbes from attaching to cell walls. So a glass of cranberry juice in a dangerous period increases the chances of getting out of the cold season with the least loss.

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