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Proper nutrition – how to instill healthy habits in children – nutritionist / HB

Guest of the program Dasha Malakhova Kartata Potata became Evgenia Rozum, nutritionist of the Svetlana Fus Weight Normalization Center. She gave advice on how to instill healthy eating habits in your child.

Proper nutrition is always an example on the part of parents: if the family has a foundation of healthy eating, then the child, for example, will not take unhealthy snacks to school. But if he sees a bad example, then he will definitely repeat it. Nutritionist Evgenia Rozum advises paying attention to such aspects in order to educate the child in the habits of proper nutrition.

1 A complete diet

A child who has received a sufficient amount of trace elements, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats necessary for healthy development, will not have the desire to pour sweet water with bubbles or eat chips. With a balanced diet, the desire to throw something unhealthy into yourself rarely appears. This usually happens when the body gives a signal that something is missing, and then we begin to compensate for the lack of substances through quick, easily accessible snacks.

2 The need for sweet

This is always a signal: either the body lacks high-quality protein, or the brain needs glucose, because it feeds on it. Carbohydrates are an easy way to get energy quickly, hence the urge to eat sweets. If the body has not received a sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates, and these are cereals, cereals, bread, root crops, then it will certainly start looking for a replacement. Usually it will be sweet, and even very often. But when we eat sweets, blood sugar rises, insulin is released, sugar drops sharply, and then it all repeats. Sugar is toxic. The blood becomes thicker, proteins, in simple terms, stick together. Vessels begin to suffer from childhood. The negative effect extends to all organs, especially the blood vessels and the heart, sugar damages not only the teeth, as we used to think.

3 Food bans

Severe food restrictions are always harmful. If a child eats normally all day and night, and on the weekend goes to a friend for his birthday, where 100% will be sweets, you cannot limit him, holidays are holidays. But the child must understand that cakes, cake, sweets are food for a special, incredible occasion, not for every day. Holidays cannot be daily. We work 5 days a week, and 2 have a rest, the same with food. Delights should be like a holiday.

4 Roast

Do not give your child chops or cutlets fried in a pan at school. It is better to replace fried with boiled or baked, it is healthier and easier for the body. Seasonings, fresh vegetables can be added to boiled meat – this will satisfy your taste buds, and the body will be much more pleasant than after a few pieces of fried something.

5 Bread

I recommend whole grain or with bran, because there is absolutely no benefit in white bread, buns, rye bread. These are just extra calories. Dark bread is no better than white bread, it is baked from rye flour, it is also peeled from the shell that envelops the grain, where there is a lot of usefulness: all the B vitamins, trace elements. Nothing remains in the refined grain, but the baked goods made from refined grain are loose, and this is its only plus.

6 Purchased yoghurts and curds

These products contain a lot of hidden sugar, starch and dyes. Therefore, it is better to buy non-sweet yogurt, or cook it yourself. Add banana, dates, berries, or figs instead of sugar.

7 Blender

You should not knock everything into a puree or smoothie. The teeth have to work, this provides blood circulation for the gums and the brain, in addition, when we chew food, we also lose calories, and when we drink it, we deprive ourselves of benefits.

8 Movement and gadgets

Now children do not move as much as before, they are greatly slowed down by gadgets. Therefore, controlling 2,000 calories per day is not enough, you also need to monitor what those calories are and how the child copes with them. Observe whether he is energetic when the child is getting what he needs, or drowsy because he needs to cope with excess calories.

9 be careful

Read the labels and train yourself to eat the right foods.

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