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Proper behavior with lost property: Can I keep any money I find? – Knowledge

Not every find on the street can be kept just like that. The BGB (Civil Code) decides what happens to lost property (symbol image). Foto: imago stock&people

Anyone who finds a 20-euro note on the street is happy at first. But not every find can be kept just like that. How to behave properly

Stuttgart – Finding money on the street pleases the finder. At the moment, few people think about whether you can actually keep the find just like that. It gets bitter when you act according to the lost property law, because according to this law, not everything you find on the street may be kept. The dishonest finder can even be held responsible for intent or gross negligence.

Once you find someone else’s money, there is a legal obligation between the finder and the actual owner. The Sparkasse also explains this. There is a guideline that the finder must adhere to and we use this to decide whether money or valuables can be kept.

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In this video we give an overview of what to look out for when finding money. When is it safe to keep money found?

Honest finders will be rewarded

Anyone who finds money or valuables and then hands them in to a lost and found office or the nearest police station can be rewarded with a finder’s fee of five percent. You always get this five percent if the find is worth less than 500 euros. Anything above that is three percent.

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However, anyone who finds abandoned objects or money on public transport or in the premises of an authority is only entitled to half the finder’s fee. This can only be asserted if the value of the find is more than 50 euros. If the owner of the find does not get in touch after six months, the finder can keep the money or the item himself.

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