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Promotion of inter-company vocational training centers ensures high quality of training and further education

12. November 2020, 11:47

Research results, scientific publications

With inter-company vocational training centers (ÜBS) several goals are pursued: They should ensure the training ability of companies, prepare trainees for professional practice and support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in securing skilled workers. A study carried out by the Research Institute for Company Education (f-bb) shows that the ÜBS achieve these goals and thus contribute significantly to the quality of training and further education. The ÜBS federal funding program evaluated by the institute plays a central role in this.

With inter-company vocational training centers (ÜBS) several goals are pursued: They should ensure the training ability of companies, prepare trainees for professional practice and support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in securing skilled workers. A study carried out by the Research Institute for Company Education (f-bb) shows that the ÜBS achieve these goals and thus contribute significantly to the quality of training and further education. The ÜBS federal funding program evaluated by the institute plays a central role in this.

The evaluation shows: The funding enables the ÜBS to carry out modernizations that would otherwise not have been financially viable. Continuous modernization is also necessary in view of the constantly evolving professional content, for example with regard to the use of new technologies. In general, qualified training staff, up-to-date teaching content and state-of-the-art equipment are required in order to guarantee the quality of inter-company training and apprenticeship instruction. This is all the more true because the success of the training is also linked to the modernity of the equipment. In this regard, SMEs are often at a disadvantage compared to larger companies. A ÜBS with modern equipment has a balancing effect, contributes to training ability and helps to secure skilled workers in medium-sized companies.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) have been promoting the equipment and structural modernization of inter-company vocational training facilities since the 1970s. In addition, the further development of ÜBS into competence centers is promoted, which have a particularly distinctive competence profile in their respective subject area and should demonstrate a high level of innovation.

The funds provided are regularly almost completely exhausted. Funding is therefore a suitable instrument to enable regular modernization of vocational training facilities and to offer high-quality educational services. Ultimately, trainees and companies alike benefit from this. In order to further advance the modernization of the ÜBS in the area of ​​digitization, further funding opportunities were created for a limited time as part of the special program ÜBS digitization,

As part of the study, the f-bb carried out extensive quantitative and qualitative surveys of all relevant actors, case studies and a concluding expert workshop. The results of the study were published in volume 216 of the publication series “Scientific Discussion Papers” of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB).

Bauer, P./Pfeiffer, I./Rothaug, E./Wittig, W. (2020): Evaluation of the promotion of inter-company vocational training institutions and their further development into competence centers. Scientific discussion papers of the BIBB, booklet

Further information:

https://www.bibb.de/veroeffnahmungen/de/publication/show/16410 study as free full text

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