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Promoting the Ten Million Project Experience: Creating Beautiful Villages and Benefiting Farmers

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 5th Question: Creating Thousands of Beautiful Villages and Benefiting Thousands of Farmers——The heads of the Central Finance Office and the Central Agricultural Office answered reporters’ questions on “Guiding Opinions on Effectively Promoting Zhejiang’s “Ten Million Project” Experience”

Xinhua News Agency reporter

The “Thousand Villages Demonstration, Ten Thousand Villages Renovation” project (hereinafter referred to as the “Ten Thousand Village Project”) is a major decision that General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned, personally deployed, and personally promoted when he was working in Zhejiang. Over the past 20 years, Zhejiang has persevered and persevered in advancing, creating successful experiences and practical examples of agricultural and rural modernization. Recently, the Central Finance Office, the Central Agricultural Office, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the National Development and Reform Commission issued the “Guiding Opinions on Effectively Promoting Zhejiang’s “Ten Million Project” Experience” (hereinafter referred to as the “Opinions”). The person in charge of the Agricultural Office answered questions from reporters from Xinhua News Agency.

Q: What is the significance of promoting Zhejiang’s “ten million project” experience?

A: This year marks the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the “Ten Million Project”. Under the guidance of the blueprint drawn by General Secretary Xi Jinping, the “Ten Thousand Project” has profoundly changed the appearance of Zhejiang’s rural areas, creating a modern version of “Fuchun Mountain Dwelling Map”, which is praised by the local farmers as “the successor to the implementation of the household contract responsibility system” Finally, it is the most popular and beneficial practical thing that the party and the government do for farmers.” The “Ten Thousand Project” is the source of practice for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and building a beautiful China. It has achieved remarkable results and far-reaching influence. It not only has a demonstration effect on the whole country, but also has been recognized internationally.

In the new era and new journey, the promotion of the “ten million project” experience is a vivid practice carrier for in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, especially Xi Jinping’s ecological civilization thought, which has great practical and far-reaching historical significance. The first is a major measure to implement the new development concept. It is conducive to promoting the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept in the field of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”, accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, and promoting high-quality development. The second is an effective way to accelerate the integrated development of urban and rural areas. It is conducive to accelerating the formation of a new type of relationship between industry and agriculture, urban and rural areas, and promoting the basic modern living conditions in rural areas. The third is a powerful action to build a beautiful China. It is conducive to continuously improving the living environment in rural areas, promoting the construction of beautiful villages, and laying a solid foundation for building a beautiful China. Fourth, it is an inevitable requirement for solidly promoting rural revitalization. It is conducive to the gradual construction of a livable, business-friendly and beautiful village, and continuously realizes the yearning of the peasants for a better life.

Q: What scientific methods are contained in the experience of “Ten Thousand Projects”?

Answer: The “ten million project” fully demonstrates the foresight and strategic vision of General Secretary Xi Jinping to open up a new road with extraordinary courage. The scientific method contained in it is consistent with the world outlook and methodology of Xi Jinping’s socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The “Opinions” are summarized into six aspects.

First, the people are supreme, building together and sharing together. Adhere to the people’s demands and interests in the first place of the “ten million project”, take the satisfaction of the masses as the highest criterion for judging the effectiveness of the work, guide the masses to consciously invest in the construction of the project, and jointly build and share a beautiful homeland.

The second is innovation-driven and green development. In promoting the harmonious co-existence between man and nature, dig out the multiple functions and multiple values ​​of the countryside, cultivate new industries, new formats and new models, enhance sustainable endogenous power, and realize the wonderful change from “beautiful countryside” to “beautiful economy”.

The third is overall coordination and highlighting key points. Taking the improvement of human settlements as the starting point, insisting on the simultaneous development of beautiful villages and rich villages, and paying equal attention to shape and soul, and coordinate the promotion of the construction of “beautiful villages, common prosperity villages, humanistic villages, good governance villages, and digital villages” to realize rural industries, talents, Culture, ecology, and organization will be revitalized in an all-round way.

The fourth is to adapt measures to local conditions and implement policies by category. Persist in proceeding from reality, distinguish developed areas from underdeveloped areas, suburban villages and traditional agricultural areas, and promote work in light of local development levels, financial affordability, and farmers’ acceptance. Good, good things come true.

The fifth is to strengthen leadership and improve mechanisms. Establish a leadership system in which the “top leader” personally grasps, the leaders in charge directly grasp, level-by-level, and level-by-level implementation, build a set of promotion mechanisms such as scientific planning, gradual expansion, investment construction, system innovation, etc., to form leadership in command and departmental coordination , Classified and responsible work pattern.

The sixth is perseverance and long-term success. Adhere to drawing a blueprint to the end, do one thing after another, year after year, without tossing or wavering, and constantly accumulating small victories into big victories.

Q: What are the task requirements for promoting the “Ten Thousand Project” experience?

Answer: The purpose of learning the experience of the “Ten Thousand Project” is to promote and apply it. The “Opinions” mainly make arrangements and deployments from six aspects.

The first is to deepen the improvement of the rural living environment. Focusing on rural toilet revolution, domestic sewage and garbage treatment, black and odorous water treatment, and village appearance improvement, comprehensively improve the quality of rural living environment.

The second is to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas. Promote the upgrading of rural infrastructure, promote the extension of public services to the countryside, and the coverage of social undertakings in the countryside, promote the diversification of the rural economy, and promote the orderly flow of various factors to the countryside.

The third is to develop rural advantageous and characteristic industries. Concentrate on doing a good job of “native products” articles, develop new functions of the agricultural industry, new values ​​of rural ecology, and create characteristic industries with competitive advantages.

The fourth is to promote the green and low-carbon development of agriculture and rural areas. Implement major projects for the protection and restoration of important ecosystems, promote the integrated protection and systematic governance of mountains, rivers, forests, farmland, lakes, grass and sand, and fully open the channel for the transformation of the “two mountains” concept.

The fifth is to strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization in rural areas. Extensively carry out publicity and education on socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Chinese dream, carry out in-depth activities to create spiritual civilization in rural areas, and continuously enrich the cultural life of farmers. Effectively protect the cultural heritage of farming, and continue to promote the transformation of customs in rural areas.

The sixth is to improve the efficiency of rural governance. Efforts should be made to improve the governance system that combines self-government led by the party organization, the rule of law, and the rule of virtue, and innovate the carrier of rural governance, so that the countryside is full of vitality and stable and orderly.

Question: How to ensure that the promotion of the experience of the “Ten Million Project” will achieve real results?

Answer: The “Opinions” draw a clear bottom line and red line for the experience of promoting the “ten million project”, which can be summarized as “three nos”.

One is not to go beyond the stage of development. Persist in doing our best and doing what we can, and advance the work pragmatically and gradually, grasp the relationship between the intensity of rectification, the depth of construction, the speed of advancement, the degree of financial support, and the acceptance of farmers, so as to ensure that rural construction always adapts to the level of rural economic development and local culture. In harmony with the local conditions and customs.

The second is not to engage in image engineering. Adhere to seeking truth and being pragmatic, quantity is subject to quality, progress is subject to actual results, and seeking good is not quick. It is strictly forbidden to engage in “model projects” and “performance projects” that are divorced from reality, so as to ensure that they can stand the test of history and the masses.

The third is not to engage in coercive orders. Persist in respecting the wishes of farmers, respect their subjective status and pioneering spirit, clarify the boundaries between government and farmers, and let farmers become participants and beneficiaries of rural development, construction, and governance.

Question: How to improve the long-term mechanism for promoting the experience of the “Ten Million Project”?

Answer: Focus on the three aspects of organization and leadership, publicity and communication, and promotion and application:

——Implement the experience of comprehensively promoting the “ten million project” to promote rural revitalization, accelerate the construction of a strong agricultural country, and implement it in all aspects of the construction of livable and industrial and beautiful countryside, the construction of a beautiful China, and the promotion of Chinese-style modernization.

——Strengthen theoretical research and publicity and interpretation of the experience of the “Ten Thousand Project” to improve the ability and level of learning and practice of the majority of party members and cadres. Various forms of publicity for the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the “Ten Million Project” were carried out to fully demonstrate the image of a better life in rural China in the new era.

——Combined with the study and implementation of the theme education of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, conscientiously organize and carry out the experience and case study of the “Ten Thousand Project”, improve the ability to use the party’s innovative theory to analyze and solve problems, and promote the continuous deepening and practical application of learning.

[Responsible editor: Zhan Yuquan]

2023-07-05 16:02:00
#Creating #Thousands #Beautiful #Villages #Benefiting #Thousands #PeasantsThe #heads #Central #Finance #Office #Central #Agricultural #Office #answered #reporters #questions #Guiding #Opinions #Promoting #Zhejiangs #Ten #Thousand #Project #Experience #Effective #Orderly #Effective #Way_中国网中国网

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