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Promote the place of women in the health and care sector

France, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the NGO Women in Global Health launched, Thursday February 25, 2021, Global Initiative on the Place of Women in Health and Care. Representing 70% of human health resources, women have been strongly mobilized since the start of the health crisis and are the most exposed to Covid-19. Nevertheless, one thing is clear: globally, there is a significant disparity between the jobs held by women and men in the health sector. Men make up the majority of medical specialists and occupy most of the leadership positions in the governance of health systems, while women working in this sector have limited access to senior positions and are generally paid less or even less well paid. unpaid.

“Promoting the place of women, who play a crucial role at the heart of our health systems and are often the first to be affected by increasing inequalities, is more necessary than ever,” assures the Minister of Solidarity and Health, Olivier Véran. . This is our ambition, made concrete by this initiative, which is a further step towards concrete equality between women and men in the health and care sector, a few months before the Generation Equality Forum ”. The pandemic has also highlighted deep inequalities within and between countries. The initiative on the place of women in the health and care sector therefore aims to advocate at the global level for the promotion of women and girls in this sector.

The initiative in which France is participating aims to mobilize the international community by promoting the implementation of concrete measures. To know :

  • Allow the increase in the proportion of women in leadership positions in the health sector;
  • Promote the recognition of unpaid work and reduce the pay gap between men and women;
  • Protect women against sexual harassment and violence at work;
  • Guarantee safe and decent working conditions.

By joining this coalition and taking part in this initiative, the signatory States and international organizations thus commit themselves to “work concretely to reduce gender inequalities in the health sector, recognize and enhance the place of women within the systems. health ”, explain its promoters. Several highlights will be organized throughout the first half of 2021 to mobilize the international community and rally the most signatories, in particular on the occasion of the following meetings: the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in March 2021; the World Health Assembly in May 2021; the Generation Equality Forum organized by France, in Paris, in June 2021.

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by Writing Weka

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