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Prominently launching ‘FinTech’ transforming ‘AQUA’ with 300% strong performance – Stock Dimension

Stock dimension – the current financial world FinTech is a word often heard, a new form of technology and financial services. that is expected to help increase efficiency Develop products, services and financial innovations in a variety of dimensions. Increase convenience, speed, safety and reduce costs to meet the needs of service users in today’s era. make companies Began to turn interested in investing in “FinTech businesses” and one of them is AQUA or Aqua Corporation Public Company Limited

“Mit Stock” interviewed “youChaiyaphiphat Kaewtrirat” Managing Director of AQUA to know the investment in “business FinTech”

Stock dimension: Why did you invest in the business? FinTech

Chai Phiphat : we study “FinTech business for quite a long time, whether it is a foreign market Both in America, Europe, China and Asia, Asia-Pacific, which “FinTech business is the highest growing business among Start-Up All and even more than Unicorn businesses (company value more than US$ 1,000 million or 33,000 million baht). “FinTech business of AQUA will definitely reach $ 1,000 million in the future.

By considering that today Thailand still has people, individuals and SME entrepreneurs who are newly opened or have unstable income. still unable to access funding sources or credit from financial institutions because of various limitations We therefore see that this market in Thailand is quite large and has a very high potential for growth. made us interested in entering the flooring in this business and was quite confident that he would sculpt “FinTech business Let it be a Unicorn to happen in Thailand.

Stock dimension: and will start moving forward with business When is FinTech?

Chai Phiphat : The company plans to open a Peer-to-Peer (P2P Lending) business or lending transactions between individuals through an online platform. Without having to go through intermediaries such as banks or financial institutions, AQUA is the first and only operator now that is allowed to do business from the Bank of Thailand (BOT). Feb. ’66, which is a product “Using shares as collateral for business loans” Including the company plans to expand other collateral assets that are used as additional collateral such as houses, cars, land title deeds to be used as collateral. Initially, the target for the 2023 credit portfolio is 2,000-3,000 million baht, the 2024 target is 5,000 million baht, and within 5 years (66-70), the credit portfolio will definitely not be less than 30,000 million baht.

Stock dimension: Will the credit limit be enough?

Chai Phiphat : We are already talking to several large financial institutions, investors and funds. So I think that the loan portfolio at 30,000 million baht should be able to do it.

Stock dimension: set business goals How does FinTech

Chai Phiphat : If we can reach the goal A credit portfolio of at least 30,000 million baht will make AQUA’s total income grow up to 200-300% compared to the present. And pushing “FinTech business” to be one of the main income generating businesses for AQUA with a proportion of more than 50% from only 10% of total revenue at present. Therefore, it is believed that AQUA’s business image will grow steadily and sustainably.

stock dimension : The business plan in the year 2023

Chai Phiphat : in the year 66 weTarget revenue to grow no less than 10% from the previous year because all 5 businesses are growing well. The main business accounted for more than 60-70% of the 1. “warehouse business On an area of ​​100,000 square meters, the latest has Unilever Co., Ltd. as a tenant. generate an average income of 250-300 million baht/year, 2. “Transportation Business Through a subsidiary “Thai Parcel Public Company Limited or TP” has grown outstandingly. With the strength of being a large delivery service provider and preparing to sell an IPO of 120 million shares, it is expected to be listed on the mai market in June 2023 to raise funds for the construction of a new distribution center. , buy electric cars to use and invest in IT systems

Part 3. “Food Business that invests in “Ethical Gourmet Co., Ltd. or EG” in which EG holds shares in 3 subsidiaries operating food business. Domino Pizza brand has 38 branches in Thailand, Ramen Desu has 3 branches in Bangkok, Jardin De Boeuf has 1 branch in Bangkok and Kinki has 1 branch in Bangkok. Growing well continuously Plus there are plans to push into the stock market in the future as well ,4. “Real estate businessalso growing well forbusiness FinTech” is moving forward according to the plan described above

*** Not only that, the company also receives special dividends from the acquisition of a major share of 39.61% in “Eastern Power Group Public Company Limited or EP”, an average of 100 million baht/year as well

stock dimension : Do you have plans for M&A deals?

Chai Phiphat : Currently, we are in the process of negotiating with 2-3 partners, but it is expected that at the end of March 2023, there will be an M&A deal in the logistics business in the country to build on the logistics business. of AQUA to cover more The investment budget There is a plan to issue debentures worth 1,000 million baht to be used to return existing debentures that mature 500 million baht and another 500 million baht to invest in M&A deals.

stock dimension : interested in business Virtual Bank?

Chai Phiphat : We are open to negotiating with 2-3 high-potential alliances to create opportunities to enter the Virtual Bank business, hoping to help expand branches.business FinTech” AQUA is expected to make clearer progress in the middle of this year.

stock dimension : To the investors

Chai Phiphat : Currently, we intend to change the image of AQUA. We have always tried to invest in businesses that generate the highest returns for the company and shareholders. Wait to see the results and reap profits together.

*** At present, AQUA has a high accumulated profit of 2,523 million baht, P/BV is only 0.70 times, P/E is 5.09 times low, and the price of eye book value is 0.96 baht.

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