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Prominent Election Proposals in the 23J Campaign: Inheritance, VAT Reductions, and Free Urban Transport

Fernando Labrador

Madrid, Jul 19 (EFE).- The programs are not achieving the prominence they deserve in this 23J campaign, but some proposals do make room, such as the “inheritance” of 20,000 euros to all young people that Sumar promises, the descent from VAT on meat and fish proposed by the PP or free urban transport up to 24 years of age offered by the PSOE.

Although, in theory, the reflection on who to vote for should depend above all on the program that each candidacy presents, the truth is that, once again, this general election campaign is not characterized by this confrontation of ideas and calculations, but rather it goes mainly, again, by other paths.

However, both in the days prior to the start of the campaign, when the major parties announced their programs, and after some rallies and debates, some electoral proposals make their way and are commented on in the media and on the street.


From the PSOE’s program for these elections, a promise already launched in the previous campaign stands out, that of the 28M municipal elections, two months ago, to build 183,000 public rental homes, half of them for young people.

The Socialists have not hidden that they are aiming at the youth, traditionally quite abstentionist, as their target to mobilize the vote, after, precisely, the elderly enjoyed one of their star measures in the final stretch of the legislature: the large increase in pensions at 8.5% by 2023.

Other electoral promises of the PSOE targeting young voters are totally free university and FP fees for students who pass the first time and free urban public transport subscription up to 24 years of age.


The main measures that the PP has included in its program have not come as a surprise either, because they had already been repeated in previous months, such as deflating personal income tax (adjusting its sections to inflation) and lowering VAT on meat, fish and you preserve them.

These products are now taxed at a reduced rate of 10% and the PP wants them to go to a super-reduced rate, while VAT would be reduced for hairdressers from 21 to 10%, according to a campaign promise not included in the program.

In addition, a veteran proposal has once again gained space, the “Austrian backpack”, a Guadiana that has already surfaced more times when the polls approach in Spain since it was introduced in Austria twenty years ago when severance pay was eliminated .

This backpack is an extra salary that the worker accumulates instead of being paid and that he takes with him if he changes companies, to dispose of it in case of unemployment, or at the end of his working life.

From the PP program, moreover, its announcements of laws to be repealed, such as those on housing and democratic memory, or to be reviewed, such as education, universities, trans and euthanasia, stand out, as well as the intention of a unique selectivity, without differences by autonomous community, even if it is a transferred competence, and the elimination of the tax on large fortunes.


The list of laws to be repealed from the Vox program exceeds that of the PP, which in most cases prefers to refer to legislative reforms.

If given the opportunity, Vox will abolish the validity of the laws on gender violence, abortion, trans, euthanasia, democratic memory, LGTBI, the only yes is yes, housing, climate change, etc.

Vox also promises to eliminate taxes such as those of large fortunes, heritage and inheritance, eliminate VAT for the purchase of a habitual residence and simplify the IRPF with a bar of 70,000 euros for income: if you earn less, it would be taxed at 15% and if exceeds 25%.

Banning information pickets in strikes or trying to undo the autonomous communities created with the Constitution are other aspirations that Vox includes.


The Sumar coalition will reduce by law the working day to 37.5 hours a week and also undertakes to negotiate with the social agents a reduction to 32 hours.

Revaluing the SMI above the CPI is another promise of Sumar in the workplace, while perhaps his most talked about this campaign is the “universal inheritance”, which consists of young people all having 20,000 euros to continue studying or start a professional career.

The right to this “inheritance” is acquired at age 18, but it becomes effective at 23, and its financing will be provided by a new tax on the super-rich.

The creation of half a million jobs linked to renewable energies, “green jobs”, is another outstanding promise of Sumar, which also intends to include oral health, optics, physiotherapy and mental health in the catalog of services of the sanitary system. EFE


2023-07-19 05:46:47
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