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Promes wants to go to Spartak – and the club is obliged to return him. 10 reasons from “Advisor Fedun”

Several years ago, one of the popular Twitter accounts of Spartak fans disseminated information that I was working as an advisor to Leonid Fedun. Then we didn’t know about Zarema Salikhova and Franco Camozzi, influencing the club, but we enjoyed the team’s game – the championship, the Super Cup, the defeat of Sevilla and the fight for gold.

But today events are developing in such a way that it is necessary to take up the former functions of an adviser and insist on the return to Spartak of the best legionnaire in the club’s history, 29-year-old Dutch national team player Quincy Promes.

A few days ago, a person who is familiar with Dutch football and is personally acquainted with Promes sent me a message: “Quincy really wants to return to Spartak. It’s up to Moscow. ” Research into the issue has shown that the transition will benefit everyone.

Promes – ready to go to Spartak and upgrade

Promes’ desire to leave Ajax for Spartak is logical.

1. Quincy moved from Sevilla to Ajax for big goals, but the club never became a European dominator. After the great campaign with the semi-finals of the Champions League, Ajax does not leave the group for two years in a row, sells the leaders and gradually rolls back to the usual course of training and selling youth. In the new context, Quincy is left to spend the rest of his career teaching young players, but this is too sad a prospect for the self-centered Promes.

2. Quincy is not appreciated in Holland, his reputation is spoiled. Promes did not live up to expectations and did not become a player of the level of Barca, so the traditional Dutch part of society is too annoyed by the eternal rap of Promes with Depay. The other, the street side, is outraged by Promes’ attack on a poor relative from Suriname. If you follow the latest posts of Quincy on Instagram, you can find hundreds of messages from Russia with requests to return to “Spartak”, as well as smiley-knives from the Dutch. In the Netherlands, Promes is a victim of abuse.

3. If Promes is going to run away from problems and temptations, then his path is only Russia and Spartak. In Moscow, he is loved and praised, his friends still play here, football will be built around him, and the club’s brand, of course, too. Moscow for Quincy is the only possible reboot of a stuck career.

RIA Novosti

Ajax needs Spartak’s money more than Promes

As I have already said, Ajax bought Promes from Sevilla because they wanted to change the status of a donor club to a position of a competitor for European giants. Did not work out. So given the average level of competition in the Dutch championship, the high probability of getting into the Champions League, as well as its own excellent selection, the current formation Ajax does not need an experienced footballer with a high salary, taking the place of young pupils or a legionnaire. Moreover, if Tadic is really capable of educating young people, then Promes, we repeat it again, has a different character.

Quincy may provide quality on the pitch, but in the long term he is no longer a useful asset for Ajax. So the instant sale of Quincy to Spartak is not just a chance to save money, but also an opportunity to reduce image risks.

“Spartak” has no right to save on Promes

Today we are informed that Fedun has doubts about Promes, and sports director Dmitry Popov offers Ajax a lease without obligatory redemption. If this is a media tactic to lower the purchase price of Quincy, then all is well. But if Spartak really offers such conditions to the Dutch, then there will be no deal. For Ajax, who bought Promes for 15 million and signed a contract with him for almost 5 years, there is simply no point in giving one of the leaders to Spartak, at the same time complicating the fight for the championship gold and dooming himself to risks associated with a possible injury to Quincy. But the sale of a player experiencing problems in Holland for 13-14 million euros is a very real enterprise for Ajax.

And here we come to the question: does Spartak need an expensive footballer with a big contract, who is unlikely to progress and certainly will not be sold at a higher price. The answer as an advisor is yes, it is. And there are at least 10 reasons for this.

1. The story of the stabbing is a tragedy, not hooliganism

In Amsterdam, Promes is surrounded by Surinamese relatives. Everyone needs his money, his attention, his help. Moreover, some representatives of the community are not entirely in the law. It turned out that one of these had been stealing money and jewelry from Promes’s mother for a long time. The family council went into a fight, as a result of which the man received a leg injury. It is also noteworthy that the statement against Promes was drawn up several months after the incident, when both evidence and testimony were missing. According to our assumptions, another participant in the fight will be found guilty, who will take the blame in court, and the charges will be dropped from Promes.

However, this story is presented in order to show that the Promes case is a family tragedy, and not some kind of drunken hooliganism. In Russia, there will be no relatives from Suriname around Quincy.

2. Promes didn’t score on football

A year ago, Promes scored against Chelsea in the Champions League, played for the national team and did not look much worse than Hakim Ziyech. According to information from Holland, Promes did not reduce the requirements for himself in the training process, did not allow violations of the regime and worked as before. The decrease in performance should be attributed to a pandemic, nervous stress due to a criminal case and restructuring within Ajax. Now Promes is taking shape again.

3. Promes – a fanatic and a leader

Almost the main memory of Promes in “Spartak” – he gave himself up in training and did not allow laxity from his partners. “If Adriano or Ze could suffer from bullshit and skip, then Quincy always worked to the fullest,” say physiotherapists and doctors of the champion Spartak.

4. Promes is more skilled than any of the Spartak players

It is an indisputable fact: Promes is fast, technical, daring, has dribbling, two-footed kick and football intelligence. For the current, developing, but rather primitive Spartak, this is a unique and unrepeatable set of qualities that allows Promes to be a player of the Dutch national team.

5. Quincy universal

Promes in “Spartak” was good in all positions in the attack with different schemes and combinations. He can be an extreme forward, a freelance artist, a second forward, a striker. He is also capable of playing on the flank in a 5-defender formation – this is the role he played at Sevilla.

6. Quincy is adapted to Russia

He knows Russian (he really does), feels comfortable in Moscow, and has excellent relations with former partners and employees of Spartak. By purchasing Promes, Spartak automatically receives an assistant captain.

7. Quincy is adored by fans

To buy Promes means to satisfy the fans, to further disperse social networks, to attract additional attention of the media, bloggers and sponsors. Promes is a brand for Russia.

8. Quincy is healthy

There were no serious injuries in his career, which – and this is scientifically proven – in any case have a negative impact on the career of a football player closer to 30 years.

9. Quincy clean

It was after Promes’ departure that the smoldering conflict in Spartak flared up again, which led to the removal of Glushakov and Yeshchenko for likes, a series of defeats and the dismissal of Carrera. The return of Promes and his honest interviews will help close the scandalous gestalt.

10. Surprisingly, Promes will bring money to Spartak

The level of competition in the RPL is falling, but Spartak’s roster lacks unique experienced players who can instantly make a difference and bring the team to the Champions League. So investing 15 million euros in Promes today is the right option to take 2nd place in the RPL, qualify, earn at least 30 million in bonuses and attract high-quality young players for the Champions League.

There are other reasons why Spartak should save on any of the cats in a poke, but not only on Promes: a cool football player, legend, champion and just Antokha – a kind, bright and almost Russian guy in the Dutch national team.

And this Antokha must be returned, otherwise, in case of failure in the second part of the season, nothing will save your family karma.

Dmitry Egorov’s channel “Fedun’s Counselor” in Telegram

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